card spring

  1. Derek Humberson

    Back to Fundamentals

    So I have begun to officially make up my mind on some touchy subjects. Let's go back to the beginning. I was roughly 7 when I wanted to learn magic. Svengali deck etc was available at my local dollar store.... OK maybe not that far. Here I am 30 and proud father of 2. My daughter age 8 is...
  2. F

    A weird coincidence that felt like magic...

    So I have been in magic (specifically card magic) for about 3-4 years. And boy do I love it but while I was practicing my springs in the cafeteria to test out different lengths and force I found myself almost dying of laughter. For those of you who are a card magician as well, you know you'll...
  3. V

    My Original Trick

    Hello! I'm Verrell Axel, I'm 12 years old. I have one original trick called "Spring-Catch". First, I sumbit this trick to The Wire, but Theory11 declained my trick. After that, I submit this trick to Penguin Magic, and still waiting the review. You can see the perfomance: Trailer: Perfomance...
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