
  1. kennethcmerrill

    Spring Force?

    Hi, I've seen a couple routines where it seems a card is forced by springing the deck from one hand to the other and asking the spectator to say "stop." They always stop on the forced card. Does anyone know a good resource for this?
  2. C

    Is it REALLY $395?

    Hey everyone, The Short Story: This price feels like it's a complete steal and I needed some opinions. Is it likely that the seller could raise the price after I lay a bid? I mean, if they're going this cheap (compared to other sellers) I'd like to get in there ASAP...
  3. lolhammertime

    Is it normal to get callus from cardistry?

    So I finally learned the spring! :D I was practicing the spring for like an hour now, and my thumb is REALLY painful and I'm getting callus on the side of my thumb. Is that normal?, because I'm worrying right now.
  4. lolhammertime

    Problems with some flourishes

    I am having problems with various flourishes for different reasons. Charlier cut & all one handed cuts: my hands are too tiny to hold two packets in one hand Spring: Either my thumb hurts and I can't spring the cards or I can spring but can't catch Thumb Fan: I can fan but it ends up fanning...
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