
  1. D

    Propless Mentalism

    Hi Everyone, I recently started with learning Mentalism. I am especially interested in mentalism without any Props, or as few as possible. So I wanted to ask if you have any recommendations where to learn that. I prefer books but videos are ok too. What I found so far are the books by Banachek...
  2. C

    "The Magicians" /Fillory Deck

    Hi, I am completely amazed by the quality of your cards. There is an entire universe of The Magicians fans who would jump at the chance to have a high quality set of cards with the lore and symbols of this ridiculous show we adore. Is there a best way or best place to petition for same?
  3. R

    Presenting the Magician's Choice - Suggestions?

    I did a bit of searching, and couldn't find any threads with specifically the info I was looking for - but if anyone else knows of somewhere that goes in-depth on this, let me know. So I know what Magician's Choice is already - giving the spectator a choice that seems fair, but forcing the...
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