Best pass work?

Nov 30, 2008
Ann Arbor, MI
I know how to do the pass, and things such as the turnover pass, riffle pass, dribble pass, etc. But I can do them moderately. What works do you recommend I read/watch to further my pass? I feel like there's something in my technique I'm missing.
Apr 28, 2008
For the classic pass, I find that it just needs a lot of practice, i've been doing it constantly for a year and it's just getting to the point where i'm kind of happy with it.
If you're looking for some different passes or want to improve your technique i'd recommend looking into some material by Aaron Fisher, everything i've seen from him so far has been brilliant.

Have a look at the Outjog Herrman pass in the 1 on 1 section then check out his book, The Paper Engine.
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