Cardini Change - Help

Jan 11, 2009
Hey, I'm watching Trilogy atm, and trying to perform the cardini change they perform, but I cannot seem to get my pinky to do what it's supposed to do, any helpful tips?

Mar 27, 2008
Apply pressure with thumb on one corner and with index finger on the other corner. Then apply pressure with your pinky on the lower corner and kinda pull the card. It should pop to the side and then pull the card under the deck as you're squaring up. At first you can try doing it slowly to get the motion with pinky down. Hope that helped.
Jan 14, 2009
So, you can't turn your finger like it's in the video?
Practise the finger exercises from the trilogy and then try again, it should be mush easier vor you, then ;)
Jan 11, 2009
It seems I can only do it when I support the deck my holding it with my other hand to do it, but then it looks really crap, I guess I'll just have to keep trying till I get it :)
Jan 18, 2009
It seems I can only do it when I support the deck my holding it with my other hand to do it, but then it looks really crap, I guess I'll just have to keep trying till I get it :)

hi Auphori. first the cardini snap change is not a change you can just learn and 5 min later you got it. wen i learned it i could not do it at all,i practiced all day,and it still looked like crap. two days later my middle finger from flicking so much,was bruised. and hurt like hell. so i stopped for a week, then went back and got the snap of the card. i practiced for 3 weeks until it looked great.
what i mean is practice more cause it's not easy, but it is totally worth it.
wen practicing switch decks every now an then, cause the cards stick and it becomes hell to do it. and flip the deck over after going through all 54 cards, so the deck won't get too much of a bow in it.
Hope this helped.
Jul 14, 2008
if it helps you, you can use the variation that is used on tivo 2.0. This is a great practise. Once you feel the grip, try doing it without. Let your pinky relax and just pull it. Moderators, please delete this if I am exposing this information.
Jan 22, 2009
In the beginning, getting a little break under the top card with your thumb might help, so that the top left corner of the deck where you apply pressure with your thumb, it is only applying pressure to the cards beneath. This helped me, and now even though i can do it the "real" way, i sometimes just do this automatically, since u really cant se it if you arent looking for it.
Dec 9, 2008
the ego change is where you grip it between the index and thumb and pull with the pinky, but the cardini a mechanics grip and pulling with the middle or ring, I'm not sure which one.

And as for the tips,
for the ego, have a firm grip between the index and thumb, close to the tips.
for the cardini, put no other fingers on the deck, keep a grip, but don't let the tips of the fingers overlay onto the deck, and slightly bevel the deck towrds the ring, for easier lift off.
and for both of them then keep as light pressure as you can on the deck, but slightly more pressure with the levering finger, also remeber that you only have to lever it fast, to get it out of vision,also the levering finger pulls from the ace of the deck, to the side of the deck for a faster levering.
this is all I can think of other than practise.
if it's exposure delete this.
hope this helps,
tom field
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