Clipshift Help!

Jun 12, 2011
I'm currently learning the clipshift and I keep running into this problem. (I don't know if it's my hand size or my technique or something else?)

When I do the clipshift, after I clip the card, the card tends to get stuck in the crotch of my pinky. So when I go to do the replacement, I can't bring the card on top of the deck. Can anyone help me or tell me something I might be doing wrong? Any advice is appreciated
Sep 1, 2010
try and contact the pinky in a different spot when you're sliding it. other than that, just watch it over and over what chad is doing, that helped a lot of my problems :)
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Jun 22, 2011
hi, yeah it's kind of hard to explain on the forum but after you clip the card try moving you thumb to the left more to allow the card more room for the replacement this way the card doesn't have to travel so far around the deck and wont get stuck on the little finger. hope that helps
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