David Blaine - iPhone App Released + Demonstration Vid


ceo / theory11
Team member
Jul 23, 2007
New York City
Holla -

Earlier this past week I got to check out DB's new iPhone app. It's slick. In a nutshell, the app allows you to perform a card trick - one of the first ones he performed on television - without using a deck of cards. You'll remember seeing David perform it on his first special, Street Magic.

The spectator sees one card as you riffle through the deck, and you can then - through whatever means you wish - reveal the selected card. The flip side? The app does all the hard work for you. All you have to do is touch the screen, and perform. The app has two reveals built-in, but you could potentially do much more with it (think card to pocket, card to wallet, etc). Tons of possibilities.

See a vid of DB demonstrating the app at the link below. If you dig it, you can pick it up now in the Apple iTunes Store for both iPhones & iPod Touch.

See the demonstration: http://media.theory11.com/2209
iTunes App Store Link: http://bit.ly/i90yL
Holla -

Earlier this past week I got to check out DB's new iPhone app. It's slick. In a nutshell, the app allows you to perform a card trick - one of the first ones he performed on television - without using a deck of cards. You'll remember seeing David perform it on his first special, Street Magic.

The spectator sees one card as you riffle through the deck, and you can then - through whatever means you wish - reveal the selected card. The flip side? The app does all the hard work for you. All you have to do is touch the screen, and perform. The app has two reveals built-in, but you could potentially do much more with it (think card to pocket, card to wallet, etc). Tons of possibilities.

See a vid of DB demonstrating the app at the link below. If you dig it, you can pick it up now in the Apple iTunes Store for both iPhones and iPod Touch.

See the demonstration: http://media.theory11.com/2209
iTunes App Store Link: http://bit.ly/i90yL

AWESOME!!! It looks really good.
May 31, 2008
I downloaded it and tried it out on my mom. She said that the cards went by to fast and she couldn't see one. I can see them fine, but I guess it goes by to fast for some people?
Jan 1, 2009
Back in Time
This makes we wish I could afford an Iphone, tho I hear in March 2010 that apples agreement with ATT will be over and possibly other phone companies will get their hands on the Iphone. (possibly Verizon.)


ceo / theory11
Team member
Jul 23, 2007
New York City
This makes we wish I could afford an Iphone, tho I hear in March 2010 that apples agreement with ATT will be over and possibly other phone companies will get their hands on the Iphone. (possibly Verizon.)

You are correct - just switched this week from a Blackberry (Verizon) to iPhone 3GS, and I'm in love. We're going to be so happy together. We will soon be married on a mountain, and there will be flutes playing, and trumbones, and then we will start a family band and tour the country.
You are correct - just switched this week from a Blackberry (Verizon) to iPhone 3GS, and I'm in love. We're going to be so happy together. We will soon be married on a mountain, and there will be flutes playing, and trumbones, and then we will start a family band and tour the country.

and Danny Garcia as the pastor?

"I do"

"Okay guys, now watch, imma put the bible in this balloon here" :p
Jan 1, 2009
Back in Time
The problem with Verizon getting there hands on it is that they tend to lock and limit their phones. So I can't really see the Iphone 3GS having the same features it does for ATT. That and Verizon is known for nickle and dimming it's customers. The other thing is that ATT could simply renew the agreement. Still want one badly tho.
May 31, 2008
The problem with Verizon getting there hands on it is that they tend to lock and limit their phones. So I can't really see the Iphone 3GS having the same features it does for ATT. That and Verizon is known for nickle and dimming it's customers. The other thing is that ATT could simply renew the agreement. Still want one badly tho.

You could always get an iPod Touch. It does everything that an iPhone does except for:

Make calls
Text Message
Take pictures

Other than that they're the same device. I have an 8G 2nd Gen iTouch and it rocks.
May 3, 2008
I downloaded it and it's awesome. Its a self-working riffle force...ON YOUR IPHONE. I love how it forces a card in the middle instead of the end. I found it kinda strange however how in the instructions he tell you how to use it and everything but he doesn't say why it works.

Anyway, isn't Chris Kenner releasing an iPhone app soon?
This is awesome. Now I can put my Iphone into a balloon with Pressure, perform Ringtone to make it play their selected song, run Blaine's new Street Magic app, and as the climax I can perform Airtight by Sankey and transform the "digital deck" into a real deck and pull the thought of card from the balloon.

You think thats overdoing it?
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