Do you agree? Question about the Muscle Pass


Elite Member
Aug 31, 2007
To be honest, I haven't learned any effects using the muscle pass, but I use it in a coin vanish/production routine and it works very well. I'm interested to look into some of the things mentioned here.

Sep 1, 2007
its spread out really, dan watson has a good beginner guide. iv picked up applications from justin miller, coins akira althought that one was a bit crazy heh. charlie justice has a nice pitch with it

I think you mean Dan Watkins ;)

Reed McClintock's new Classic Palming with Coins DVD has a bit on the muscle pass that is both informative and good for improving your palm/pass.

Sep 2, 2007
A simple but really visual trick I like to do is to fairly show one hand empty, then muscle pass directly onto the face-up palm. If your pass is fast enough and you do this in the right conditions (outside at night, for instance) the coin is completely invisible until it lands. It looks like it literally just appeared in your hand. Freaks people out.

P.S.: You want to make sure you're able to pass it so that it lands on its flat side, that way it doesn't bounce or roll after it lands.
Sep 1, 2007
Cleveland, Ohio
I had this same issue after learning it, it just looked like a stunt. What I like to do now is do the 'coin falls up' when "I dont think anyone is watching". When People catch it out of the corner of there eye, then it looks magical. They always say," What the...? He just made a coin float! Do that again!" Of course I usually dont but it gets attention, then I get to show them my totally wicked awesome sponge bunny routine! (No offense to anyone who actually uses sponge bunnies;))
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Aug 31, 2007
I disagree and I say that because I use the muscle pass both as a trick by itself and as a hidden move. It is true that many people will work it out but the more you do it the smoother it will look and if it is routined right it looks incredible.

I also have not been accused of using it for ditching so I say use it for both. Its great for impromptu.
Sep 1, 2007
You can perform the Coin That Falls Up in a Magical way, not just an exhibition of skill.

Say you can revert create 2 things things at the same time:

1.) Creating a warp-hole - an anomaly of time and space.

2.) A reverting the flow of gravity.

Do the real thing ( Coin that falls down. )

Do a false-transfer, then do a Muscle Pass.

If you may notice, the spectator thinks the coin will fall down. But the coin seemed to fall up.

Hope everyone got it.


P.S.: Check out Daniel Garcia's coin through glass effect, Quarters. Learn it from the Daniel Garcia Project 3.


Sep 1, 2007
I use the the "Anti-Gravity" presentation, then go into a little montage bit, ending with a vanish. I won't go into detail, but the fact that when people ask me to do that, one of the first things they say is "show him the up coin thingy!" I'm happy with it.

Personally I don't any other routines in which it can be used, but I'm of the opinion that even if it's being used secretly as a sleight, they shouldn't know about it anyway, because it should never be noticed.

Sep 1, 2007
I think the muscle pass is certainly best suited as a secret move...that being said I use it in lieu of placing a coin on top of the head for a visual coin into spectator hands effect. The pass is done openly but the spectator is not aware of where the coin comes from.
Sep 1, 2007
I like the coin falling up thing. The first time I ever saw it, a friend did it for me and I was stumped. Of course after he did it for the fifteenth time for everybody else I realized how it was done. Just goes to show how with a lot of practice, you even fool a magician!

Sep 1, 2007
I've really given this a lot of thought.

I perform in the magic shop I work at every day, so I have a great test group of laypeople and magicians that I can try new ideas on.

I've noticed a peculiar thing regarding the muscle pass.

I have done "the coin that falls up" billions of times (Thanks Mr. Cornelius!). People see how it's done, or they take a second and work out that you somehow "flick" it up, and yet they're amazed you can do it. They are amazed by your skills, and not because it's magic.

I have also used it secretly, for transfers and ditches and click passes and the like. They don't even know it exists.

I don't like performing it openly.

I don't think it's a good trick by itself.

Do you guys agree?

I think it is BETTER used secretly, behind the scenes, purely as a sleight. In my opinion, doing it openly is just giving away one of the most powerful sleights you can use.

I'm not going to do it as the coin that falls up any more.

If they know you can launch a coin, they know that you can ditch it by launching it into a pocket somewhere.

They also are excited by your skill- and then, your chances of getting any reaction of true astonishment or wonder will turn into reactions of "wow, he's good with his hands".

Do you guys agree? What are your thoughts on this?


I agree, I still havn't got my Muscle Pass DVD, but when I do get it, I didn't really plan on using "The anti-gravitational coin, the coin that falls up...etc." I was planning for appearences, disapearneces, transfers, ditches, color changes, coin splits, etc.)
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