Gaff Card Ideas, But How To Make?

Sep 12, 2007
Edinburgh, Scotland
I know what you are all thinking: "Man, not another gaff card thread!" but i have some ideas and i am wondering what to do with them. I don't want to say alot of them just yet, but one of them is: You have a 3 of hearts. You look at the middle pip, take it, and rip half of it off. The spectators atually see the pip tear in half, and you hold the other half in your hand. You can hand the card out and the half a pip.

That is just one idea, but i don't know how to make them? Can anyone give me advice? Thanks in advance.

Sep 12, 2007
Edinburgh, Scotland
Im very confused man,

How is that a Gaff?

Yout want to be able to Take a whole pip off a card. Then rip it up.

And thats the end?

No that is just one idea. And the effect is that you put your thum on the pip, rip half of it off, then hand the card out with the half ripped pip on it and the other half a pip that you just ripped off.
Ahh ok, Now it just makes sense.

I dont really see a complete point in the effect to be honest, and cant see it being that effective,

But you would most probably have to get something re-printed. A local print shop could probably do something though.

Might just be best to buy an actual Gaff Deck though.
Aug 31, 2007
Long Island/New York
Eraser doesn't do a very good job erasing the card. It messes up the finish and it's very noticeable. I'm not sure the best way to make a gaff.
I guess your way of doing it is just having the middle pip being half a heart, and have a little piece of paper connected being the other half of the heart.

I always wanted to have my own card maker(like a machine), you know? That would be awesome. Coming up with new designs/gaffs and whatnot.


Elite Member
Sep 4, 2007
Tampa Bay, FL
there's a book called the gaff factory it covers EVERYTHING on how to make a gaff.. special printed gaffs, even restoring the finish to places that you've erased. Very clever. I use the methods and I love 'em!
there are a couple of sources to do what you want to do out there as mentioned before the ebook "Gaff Factory" which i first read about at the Magic Cafe has a lot of info on making your own gaffs. There is also a video called "Versatile Monte And Beyond" by Mark Allen that shows you how to print your own gaffs with your computer and ink jet printer. You could also have the gaffs specially made for you. i know there is a website of a made who does custom gaffs like the ones for Syd Segal's Gaft Card Magic but i cant think of the site off the top of my head. do a search on google or even better if you have Syd's DVD i think the link to the custom gaffs are in the credits somewhere.
Sep 23, 2008
Selma, NC
The us card co

If you can afford it, you can go to and they will make you one for $20. The only problem is that all of the backs have to be the same.
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