Hardest Sleight Ever

What is the hardest sleight you have ever come accross?

If you did manage to get it down, how long did it take?

For me, it would probably be raise rise (ambitious riser) I could do it after only 3 days but it was far from perfect, so I am still practicing it today.
Aug 10, 2008
In a rock concert
The really question its, are they really usefull? and Im talking about the 26 shift, besides using it in free fall what other uses does it has?

For me, I have been finding the top shot very difficult, but performed right it looks beatiful.

I have to say that the Gravity half pass its in my opinion harder than the ambitous riser or the clipshift, I have been working on it like about a year and I just cant get it the way I would like it to be...
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May 31, 2008
I haven't come across too many sleights as I've only been doing magic for about four years. I find that you can accomplish just about anything with forces, controls, and double lifts.

For me it's been the Classic Pass. I can do it, but it takes a lot of misdirection. For the last week I've been practicing three hours every night. Actually I should be practicing now!
Sep 10, 2008
if you consider the anti-faro as a sleight, that would probably be one of the hardest.

if not, then the hardest i've attempted would probably be a 5-card muck.
Jul 14, 2008
For me It would be the clip shift.

I have it except I always slide another card over when doing it.

I'm not sure how to explain this without exposure.

Needless to say, I have been practicing it forever and I just can't get it down!
Almost there though.
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