Nice little routine!
I could point out that the sleights need some work (the false shuffle and the DL's in particular), but that will come with time. None of us were born experts!
However, what the right hand is doing it way too obvious. Firstly, the motion is much to big to not notice (the left had pretending to brush dust of the table is not really doing much to misdirect even the first time, let alone the fourth!), plus it's going completely out of sight for far too long to not be suspicious. I understanding from a method point of view why it needs to happen, but there are better ways to achieve this, such as false shuffles and cuts between each ace production.
To end on a positive note, your Snap Change is way better then mine! Also, nice that you didn't fill the routine with a tonne of unnecessary fancy shuffles. Was a nice clean, clear routine.
Keep it up.