I learned a force a while back

May 17, 2011
and i would like to know the name of it for a video I am making for the wire.
I'd also like to know if I am allowed to put a force in that I didn't create.

you force the bottom card under the spread by taking your ring finger and sliding it over having them touch a card then turning your hand over revealing the card they touched, being the card your forced obviously.

I'd like to know who created it, and what it is called so I can credit the right person.
Sep 23, 2013
The wire is not a place where you republish move like the classic pass or things like that. The wire is where you share your original forces, flourishes, card tricks etc.. If it is already a well known move, then chances are that it will not be accepted on the wire.
If you aren't sure if its original or not, at least post some sort of video or something.


Elite Member
Sep 13, 2008
I think what he means is that he uses this force for a trick. At least, I hope that's what he means.
Sep 2, 2007
If I'm understanding you correctly, the move you're describing is the "Under the Spread Force" or the "Hofzinser Spread Force". As far as I know, no-one knows the originator, but as it's an application of Hofzinser's Spread Cull it would be appropriate to credit him. It's a classic move, so I don't think it would be a problem to teach it as part of a routine as long as you're adding enough of your own thinking and not just teaching the move on its own.
Jul 13, 2010
It could indeed be credited to Hofzinser. According to "Non Plus Ultra Vol2. Hofzinsers Kartenkünste", p. 46-47, you can find this information in his 8. letter to Pospischil ("Non Plus Ultra Vol.1", Magic Christian, p. 245). It`s first described in print in the book "Ein Spiel Karten", R.P. in Prag, 1853 where it`s done with 12-14 card and called "Touché".
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Jul 13, 2010

The so-called Nobrain Force is not an invention by Harry Lorayne. To say it with Lorayne`s words
"It`s AN OUT-AND-OUT RIP-OFF of "Touché" from the book "Ein Spiel Karten" 1853. "
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