I need help with the name of some tricks

Aug 23, 2016
Hello everyone. My name is Alyo i'm from Slovenia and i have been in magic since i was 6 years old- i am currently 21 years old. I mostly do card magic and mental magic.

I saw some video that guy could predict what movie will the host of a tv pick( no force, no pre agreement, no stooges) he could really name any movie in the whole world and this movie was in the bag with official box and dvd) and he guessed which 4 digit number he will choose. Video however is not in english tho:

2nd trick i would like to know is when they had 5 envelopes and some random guy from the audience had to put his 50$ bill in it and the envelopes were marked from 1--5(nobody never knew in which number he put his bill in not even himself because they shuffled the envelopes and they didn't see the numbers) and the last envelope had his bill in it and others did not(no force of an envelope, he could eliminate any number and envelope) tricks starts at 10:45

I would be really thankful for all the help

Thank you in advance
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