Invis deck vs colorblind

Feb 21, 2012
Yo guys and gals! I am about to purchase one of the above effect's.
I have seen the Beginner video from theory 11 on how its best to only learn 3 good pieces of magic to start with.
I must say first hand I have been only doing magic for a couple month's.

Out of the two tricks in the title, what would you magician's suggest and why? Which has the biggest impact ect or is best for groups of friend's.. 1on1's and all that shiz?

Sep 1, 2007
Invisible deck has the bigger impact...especially if you are new, since its very easy to do.

In saying this...I would do some research...i make all my own invisible decks, and have sold some...websites charge 8-15$ for invisible decks, when you can make 4 or 5 for that price...
Nov 27, 2009
Invisible deck all the way! It fries! It's also incredibly easy to do. Also look at Jason Englands what to read video. It's free, and if you read the books he recommends and you practice, you'll end up having a very solid foundation in sleight of hand.

Also, before you buy too many more tricks, pick up Royal Road to Card Magic or Card College Vol. 1. (I assume that's what you want to get into from your post.) I learned most of what I know from Royal Road, and I still perform most of the material that I learned from there. Royal Road is cheaper than Card College, but if you're willing to put in the work, either book will provide a solid foundation for further work. If you've already got one of those books, then good job. You're on the right track.
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