I'm about 3 weeks into card magic, so I barely know anything about this art yet.
(you don't have to read this part...)
I went to my local (2.5 hours away) magic shop last week looking for The Royal Road to Card Magic because Chris Ramsay suggested it, but the guy told me I should get Card College, at least try out the first volume. He spent at least an hour going through almost all the individual books that he has on his bookshelf with me, after that, he went on and taught me more about the art of magic. I felt really guilty not buying the book after his talk, so I got the first volume for $45 + tax CAD. Since this is my first magic book, so I really have nothing to say about it besides that fact that I'm in love with it so far cause it's a godam beautiful MAGIC book!.
Anyway, I'm sure all magic books are good reads, but I have never heard of this series in all my book research (not until the magic shop guy told me of course...), nor have Google been able to find a review for it. That's why I'm here to find out what you guys have to say about Card College for a complete beginner. So, thoughts?
Thanks for your responses, and I know that was a lot of words, sorry.
(you don't have to read this part...)
I went to my local (2.5 hours away) magic shop last week looking for The Royal Road to Card Magic because Chris Ramsay suggested it, but the guy told me I should get Card College, at least try out the first volume. He spent at least an hour going through almost all the individual books that he has on his bookshelf with me, after that, he went on and taught me more about the art of magic. I felt really guilty not buying the book after his talk, so I got the first volume for $45 + tax CAD. Since this is my first magic book, so I really have nothing to say about it besides that fact that I'm in love with it so far cause it's a godam beautiful MAGIC book!.
Anyway, I'm sure all magic books are good reads, but I have never heard of this series in all my book research (not until the magic shop guy told me of course...), nor have Google been able to find a review for it. That's why I'm here to find out what you guys have to say about Card College for a complete beginner. So, thoughts?
Thanks for your responses, and I know that was a lot of words, sorry.