Magic Relatedness

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Dec 17, 2007
Guys I am starting to see a lot of threads that are closed my the mods do to not being magic related. But I feel that even if the topic doesn't pertain to magic, the views on a non magic related topic thrust it into the category of magic related because the views on the certain topic are made by magicians not normal people. So what I am trying to say is that anything we talk about in some way is magic related. What say you?

Aug 31, 2007
Long Island/New York
I could relate anything we talk about to magic.
Mike: Dan what did you get for your birthday.
Me: Nothing, my Grandma gave me a card though.
Mike: Which deck?
Me: Hallmart

Yeah I agree to a point.


I kinda agree where you are coming long as the topic doesn't stray too far from being magic related.

I would laugh if a mod closed this thread.
Sep 1, 2007
I would laugh if a mod closed this thread.

And they will. Because this is ridiculous.

Michael's assertion that us being magicians makes everything we talk about magic related is infantile at best, insane at worst.

Suppose I wanted to create a thread to discuss the historical ramifications the schism in the Christian church that led to the formation of Protestantism and the Lutherans. According to Michael, this is magic related because I'm a magician. Using the same logic, it is also related to pancakes and rotisserie chicken because I'm a cook. And apparently it is also related to Voltron because I enjoy watching retro cartoons for a laugh.

Amazing that I'm the only one so far that has made this basic logical connection.
Dec 17, 2007
And they will. Because this is ridiculous.

Michael's assertion that us being magicians makes everything we talk about magic related is infantile at best, insane at worst.

Suppose I wanted to create a thread to discuss the historical ramifications the schism in the Christian church that led to the formation of Protestantism and the Lutherans. According to Michael, this is magic related because I'm a magician. Using the same logic, it is also related to pancakes and rotisserie chicken because I'm a cook. And apparently it is also related to Voltron because I enjoy watching retro cartoons for a laugh.

Amazing that I'm the only one so far that has made this basic logical connection.

But since you are a magician it is still magic related to a certain extent. Also we need an off topic forum do to this.

Dec 17, 2007
St. Pierre or Penn, who you got?

Oh, shoot, there I go off topic now. :eek:

Yes but you went off topic in a thread that was on a different topic. You didn't start a thread of your own, thus completely missing my point for the sake of making a lame joke.

Jul 10, 2008
But I'm a magician, so wouldn't my post be magic related on one way or another?! Wasn't that your point? Ah, guess I can't spin that one can I.
Jan 13, 2008
First of all, GSP is definitely going to win. He'll need to be careful, because Penn can bend in ways no guy should ever be able to bend, thus creating countless opportunities to catch GSP in some sort of submission, but GSP should take the match.

Secondly, there is an off topic forum...on other sites. This site is for magic, not off topic discussions. If you want to discuss music, or art, or wrestling, or whatever, there are plenty of other sites for such discussions, and they will be populated by people with a diverse background, thus creating a more rich environment for the discussion (vastly different backgrounds should create different viewpoints, and thus a more lively discussion).

Third, just because we're magicians that doesn't mean that everything we talk about will be magic related. My above discussion about the upcoming UFC fight had nothing to do with magic, despite my being a magician/mentalist. I may be focused on different aspects of what's happening because of my background, i.e., focusing on the pre-fight theatrics and how well they play it up (which I notice because I'm interested in the theatrics involved in hamming something up to be more than it is--I'm into magic and mentalism, after all). However, that does not suddenly make the topic a magic discussion, it just means I'm coming into the conversation with a certain mindset (and like I mentioned, I'd rather have multiple viewpoints in a discussion, so it's more lively and so I see things outside "the box" that my mind would be inside of at the time--maybe a nutritionist or something would join in the UFC discussion and comment about the shape that the fighters are in, for example--far less likely to happen here (not saying that people don't have other jobs or interests, but there does seem to be a lot of consensus on most issues brought up on the forums)).

Lastly, off topic discussions tend to be nothing but a means for padding one's post count. For some reason, people seem to think that the more they post, the more people will take them seriously or respect them. If only they realized that content, oh I don't know, kind of plays a role in that.

So yeah, I'm happy with things the way they are. That may just be me, though. :)
Sep 1, 2007
But since you are a magician it is still magic related to a certain extent.

No it's not, kid.

Lastly, off topic discussions tend to be nothing but a means for padding one's post count. For some reason, people seem to think that the more they post, the more people will take them seriously or respect them. If only they realized that content, oh I don't know, kind of plays a role in that.

That rather crosses the t, doesn't it?

It's a laugh and a half that people make all these excuses for their childish whinging and they actually think that the rest of us are so stupid we'll fall for it.
Sep 1, 2007
Belgrade, Serbia
That rather crosses the t, doesn't it?

It's a laugh and a half that people make all these excuses for their childish whinging and they actually think that the rest of us are so stupid we'll fall for it.

Says the guy who has more than 1,300 posts ;)

Anyway, there is a way to stop that. On one forum that I go to, there is a "Off topic" thread, and it is simply set not to count posts in that thread. So every post make in that thread doesn't go into post count...
Jan 13, 2008
why does post count really matter?
In reality, it doesn't, but some people seem to think it does. I've even seen in one person's signature the line "I have the most posts on T11", or something to that effect, as if it's something to be proud of. Not "I have the most quality posts", or "I have the most helpful posts", or anything like that...just pure quantity. It seems like a silly thing to brag about to me, but it's obviously important to some people if they're feeling the need to brag about it.

Anyway, like I already mentioned...there are numerous forums out there that don't deal with magic, have off topic forums, are specialized in whatever it is you (general you) want to discuss, etc. If you (still the general you) really want to discuss some other topic, there are numerous sources out there, and there's nothing stopping you from going to those other places.

Side note: Sometimes an off topic forum can have a really negative side effect, that would really effect a site like this. We're looking to attract the magic community, and not really the general public at large, on this site (I'm guessing--people seem to complain a lot about secrets leaking and whatnot, so I can only assume you don't want the general public on this site learning about the various sources to obtain magic information). However, another site I frequent (a manga styled webcomic) has a forum as well...with some off topic forums (general discussion, games, art, etc). Why do I bring this up? Because over time, the population on their forums started to shift away from the readers of the webcomic, and just became random people who don't even care at all about the comic (i.e., they don't even go to the main page, read the comic, etc)...and that's about 90+% of the population on that forum. I'd love to see the reactions the current members would have if that happened here.
I kinda flip-flopped on my way of thinking (subject wise) when I started going down this thread. But CM makes a very good point. I think one of the main purposes of places like this is to keep what we all know (and in some cases, don't yet know) somewhat underground. Not so underground that people looking to better themselves in the art form can't find it, but enough that laypeople can't. Hope that made sense.

By all means, if a conversation should scew, we are all human (save for the few who seem to believe they are one with their internet connection lol). Though i'm sure most of us may love magic and the way it can effect people, I don't think it completely consumes our lives. The last artist diary posted featured JB d+M and DG lip syncing. Unless I missed something, and yes, I might have, that didn't have anything to do with magic. I know it's the media section, but it's still site relevant. My point is, just because we're magicans, that doesn't mean we always have to limit what we talk about to only magic. That's just my thought on this.
Dec 17, 2007
Secondly, there is an off topic forum...on other sites. This site is for magic, not off topic discussions. If you want to discuss music, or art, or wrestling, or whatever, there are plenty of other sites for such discussions, and they will be populated by people with a diverse background, thus creating a more rich environment for the discussion (vastly different backgrounds should create different viewpoints, and thus a more lively discussion).

Even if there are off topic forums on other sites. It is completely different to talk to normal people than magicians. We tend to look at things with a different perspective. Just recently there was a thread about movie editing software for a magic video. Although this topic was posted before it was not closed do to being and old topic, but rather closed do to not be magic related. This is what I am getting at we are a community, in votes for a general election they talk about the blacks,hispanics,etc... Thats because a community tends to have the same set of views. Since we are a community there needs to be a place for us to talk non magic so we can discuss and debate as a community.

Sep 1, 2007
Side note: Sometimes an off topic forum can have a really negative side effect, that would really effect a site like this. We're looking to attract the magic community, and not really the general public at large, on this site (I'm guessing--people seem to complain a lot about secrets leaking and whatnot, so I can only assume you don't want the general public on this site learning about the various sources to obtain magic information). However, another site I frequent (a manga styled webcomic) has a forum as well...with some off topic forums (general discussion, games, art, etc). Why do I bring this up? Because over time, the population on their forums started to shift away from the readers of the webcomic, and just became random people who don't even care at all about the comic (i.e., they don't even go to the main page, read the comic, etc)...and that's about 90+% of the population on that forum. I'd love to see the reactions the current members would have if that happened here.

Similarly, I used to frequent a messageboard about music. A couple years ago they established an off-topic board.

The off-topic section now gets more traffic than all the other sections combined, and all of the posts look like a knock-off of 4chan. If that mental image doesn't cause your blood to run colder than a Slushee through your veins, then you should be legally considered criminally insane.

Since we are a community there needs to be a place for us to talk non magic so we can discuss and debate as a community.

You actually think you need magicians to tell you about movies and current events?

Michael, be honest. You don't actually believe any of this. You just want an off-topic forum to save you the hassle of going to other websites.
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