Muscle Pass Question

Jan 1, 2009
Back in Time
Well yeah but there are a few guys out there who do release really good stuff. Sankey USED to be one of them, but not he pretty much rehash's his old stuff 90x over each month and I don't care what anybody says, Nobody is THAT creative to where they instantly keep coming out with new effects all the time.

I do agree that a lot of guys in the business are focusing more on giving kids too many DVD's and all. But there really isn't much we can do about that.
I actually learned to do the muscle pass from Richard Ferguson on a poker chip tricks site. Just a suggestion when learning it always have lots of rest after practicing how to do it. Only in that way you could be better with it.

Honestly I don't do the muscle pass often since it's strictly a flourish for me.
Mar 2, 2009
to be perfectly honest it took me 3 months to get the coin off my hand and atleast 4 inches high but its soo worth it the versatility of the muscle pass is just great


Elite Member
Dec 6, 2008
toledo, ohio
I need some help. I learned it from Jay's DVD ( i know most of you dont like Jay's DVD, but its the one I have and i dont want to buy another DVD on the same topic). Anyway, I get good height from it and I do Not move my hand to toss it up or anything, but my problem is my thumb moves inward when I do the muscle pass and it kind of tips the method. Spectators see that its kind of pinched in there and then the thumb movement gives it away. I hear about you guys doing it "motionless" and that's what I want my muscle pass to look like but I dont know how to eliminate the thumb movement b/c that's what executes the move. Any help would be awesome, either through post or PM. Thanks!
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