Osh Negash B' Gosh Performance

Nov 10, 2007
Thank you for the advice. As for dribbling the cards go I will remember not to do that next time, I see what you mean.
Mar 6, 2008
A Land Down Under

Sometimes you have to take your eyes out of the problem if you know what I mean. Sometimes with effects you really have to see someone else preform them to or just watch yourself do them some time later. Jason England said it best in his round table if he can fool himself he knows the move was perfect.
May 8, 2008
Cumbria, UK
Damn good. I really enjoyed it actually, for the main reason that it did feel more like watching a performance than watching a webcam shooting. I liked it. Keep up the good work :)
Nov 10, 2007
What. You did not you just say 16. Not " He is 16 I know right". I know how old I am kid of also answered my self.
May 3, 2008
16 isnt exactly old my friend. Its.. pubescent.

but regardless, i enjoyed the performance, though i thought the lack of energy and the andthensome D and D way of presenting took away from it alittle. Look into Jordan Lappings videos if you want to pull off good "webcam" magic.
Jan 28, 2009
It sickens me that a 13 year old is so much better at that trick than I am. ;-)

In all seriousness though, take it from someone that has looked young their entire life (I'm now 26 and can still scam it at 20 and be believed) it is definitely -not- a bad thing, so don't be so defensive about it. Not only can you always win the guess your age competition at carnivals and theme parks (lmfao), in my experience, chicks dig it, and people innately trust you if you look younger, which is no bad thing for a magician. (Or a con man....-coughs-) If you are going to perform you have to get used to the public making comments like that, and its seldom going to be in a bad way. You're going to get..."wow you look young" a lot, not meant unkindly but as a statement of fact so I would seriously recommend getting over the complex otherwise the more you perform in public the worse it'll get and you'll either run off stage crying or start punching people randomly at the end of performances.

As to the performance, really, I like how you used the camera, it simulated misdirection which was fine. The handling was good. I know the trick and even then the slights that were visible were really good and I didn't spot any flashes.

Your performance was too D&D however. Don't get me wrong, they do great card tricks and have come up with some interesting stunty magic, but their performance is definitely not their strongest point in their instructional DVDs. (With the main purpose presumably being instruction rather than performance.)

All in all this was a great piece of work and I enjoyed watching someone perform this trick well as I've seen this butchered on camera so many times its untrue, lol.

Good job.
Nov 10, 2007
Alot of good advice their thanx a much. Yeah I have had people literally laugh in my face there lucky I did not beat the **** out of them.
Oct 28, 2007
it was an alright performance to me.

it was a nice quick sandwich effect at the beginning but i still prefer the sweet hot shot cut.
And when you showed the queens sandwiching the card i think you called a little too much attention to it try speeding up the move and don't make such a big deal out of it.

And i know that you can't mis-direct the camera but for this trick i still think it is unnecessary for the camera movement. try setting the queens down to you left on the table and when you are ready for the change reach over with your right hand to make a pointing gesture or something, your arm will provide enough cover for the move and if you are worried where a long sleeve shirt for extra cover.

as for the card appearing between the queens at the end i think the camera could of been focused on that aswell because if you get the move down right it looks so damn real!
Although if you take my advice and set the cards to the left of you this will make it a little harder to do the last move so you should angle the cards slightly to make it easier to accoplish it.

i know you might be worried about flashing on camera and having a bunch of n00bs figure it out, but remember you can always re-film it to make it look perfectish
Apr 27, 2008
That maybe so but other people dont have the right, to say that when they barely even know me.

They do, however, hold the right to quote you.

Oh well, no harm done.

I find it strange you exclaim they barely know you, when Jack is indeed mentioned in your signature as a good friend, and you no doubt talk outside of theory11 on msn or whatnot. Also, know it or not, you have acutely demostrated exactly what kind of person you are over the internet, and theory11 in particular, many times before.

People shouldn't wave that accusation around anymore, because push comes to shove, it's not true.

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