Patter that has little to do with the trick

Jan 26, 2017
So long story short, I basically used math and some common givens to "prove" that we can all mathematically be seagulls (or anything else for that matter) if we eat water that has a ton of cornstarch dissolved in it with a fork (in a hypothetical world). Everyone I have told this too has actually had a great time with it, and I actually ended up getting like 3 scientific discussions behind this.

Anyways, I was thinking this would actually make for an entertaining patter with a trick related to water. However, I don't think that it would really relate to the trick outside of that (except maybe a trick where something becomes something else, probably using water in the performance but not necessarily the trick).

So do you guys think it would be a good idea to use any patter that entertains the audience, even though it doesn't directly relate to the performance/effect in a huge way?
Jul 26, 2016
IMO, if it entertains the audience, then it is its own justification, and I don't feel it matters that it doesn't relate hugely to the performance/effect - as long as there is an overall cohesiveness to the routine.
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Jul 1, 2017
Just make sure the extent of the patter does not cover the trick. If the patter has nothing to do with it completely (i.e talking about giraffes while doing Shin Lim's "The Dream Act"). Like the mask (as said in my thread) that it may make the audience distracted and take away from the focus of the trick, ya know? then again tricks such as Tiny Plunger have really odd patter but sell the effect like hot cakes! It all depends, experiment with close friends and relatives before showing it to the world.
Aug 15, 2017
I guess no.
Dunno about others, but I feel that the patter should connect the audience with the trick. Usually that's what we use the patter for right? Making it look like the weird things we are doing and strange movements we are making makes sense :-D
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