Pen Spinning

Hey guys, I know all of us here are avid Card Flourishers, but do any of you here do any pen spinning? I feel the two subjects are very closely linked, and a lot of people who do one eventually do the other.

So do any of you guys do it? I know some of you do, as I've had a lot of pms from people wondering how to get started. :)
Apr 5, 2009
i do some pen spinning, well i'm just starting, i hope to combine my spinning with some magic from jesse feinberg. (i think thats how you spell it)

but yeah, still working out my sonic and charge. got the thumb around and finger pass down, i learned the thumb around from a friend and then remembered pen spinning being mentioned here. so i asked tumbleweed about it.

it looks like alot of fun.
Nov 8, 2009
i do a little here and there

i compulsively do thumbarounds and finger passe whenever i have a pen....
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