Reaching the audience

and some random thoughts =D

the past few days iv been thinking about a few things starting with a post here. someone had mentioned that more or less people only apperiate the dexterity involved in close up magic because people don;t beleive in real magic. this kind of bothered me that poeple think this is true.

more insight came to me sunday. here in cincinnati there is a large fireworks show every year for labor day. its spectaculor, and this year was easily the best firewors i had ever seen. how does this relate to magic you say? well after the big finish of the display, people where cheering, i looked over and i say a guy high five people around him that he didn;t know including some of my friends. people were acting like they just won the lottery. this giant reaction is because they just saw somthing that cause wonder in there imagination. the specticule was amazing and they felt the like.

i think this is how we need to reach our audences. they don't need to beleive in magic, we don't need to lie to them and try to amek them think otherwise. we as performers need to find what can we do to make them want to believe, just for a fraction of a second.

darwin ortiz in strong magic talks about how through strong performace the divination of a thought of card, can make spectors think about the IMPLMICATIONS, ie "if he can read my mind of the card, what else could someone see" this thought might cross there mind faster then second, but its all it takes to really grab hold of them.

so guys how do you think this can be done. its not anything new, many many magicians already figured this out, some of them run this site im sure. i think we need to think abotu these things as in most of the modern dvd's and even books so much goes into trick, but not how to really be a performer.

i feel like if you want to do a gambling expo, thats great. make them imagine a card shark takign everyone of there money, better yet make them part of the game. it doesn;t matter the theme we gotta learn out many of the big pros grab people imagination and not sure go throught the mechanics.

ultimitly, i think the first step we need to find individually, what kind of performers we are, and go with that. to many of us try to imitate the style of someone else and at some level the audience can feel that. if your funny do funny magic, if your mysterious so should your magic be. lets not just lie to ourselves

hope that all makes sense, just some of the things iv been thinking, and i figured maybe it might help a person or two that find there magic is going good, but its not yet great. thats what im aimming for greatness
I like the point you bring up, and I see both sides of the argument you mentioned early in the post. Most close-up magic I've seen is so far from Magic that you can barely call it that.

I think to get what you're looking for, you have to transcend the tricks and offer something more. This is a lofty goal for a trick, but your overall performance can do this easily. Know what you want to put in peoples' minds about you and your performance, then choose your effects to create that for them. Write your scripts with this in mind, and understand why you say what you say.

I've been pondering these same thoughts for a while now. You mentioned Strong Magic, have you read Designing Miracles? I'd also point you to the Books of Wonder for plenty on this topic.

For myself, I've found most of my issues in my scripting. I used to wing it too much. Now I write out the ideas I want to touch on and I've found my performances seem to hit harder.

Good luck!

thanks pj, you make some good points, i have not yet read designing miracles, thoguth i would like to. i have a particular intrest in the books of wonder, tommy was great at this, hes one of the few to have as a performer figure out how HE can do it. i think as far as sources go, not one source will help but many, so that one can apply what works for thier personality, and tuning things for that individual
Sep 1, 2007
Philadelphia, PA
Great thoughts there Josh. I would agree that we need to first start by figuring out what we are naturally inclined to gravitate towards in magic (comedy, mystery, etc). I think most people fight what they are best at because they feel if they can overcome their perceived deficiencies it will make them better people or better performers in this case. In actuality it is the sum of our deficiencies and proficiencies that makes us who we are. Focus on what you are good at and run with it but that isn't to say you should give up working on other aspects of magic or exploring other magical endeavors.

While not a huge fan of mentalism I can see that it can draw more on the emotional side of a spectator while something such as a gambling routine might be less stirring emotionally. I tend to focus on the fact that if people are entertained in some fashion then I was successful in what I was performing. My goal is not to fool them, make it a contest, or give them false beliefs in supernatural powers but simply to entertain. Personally I think people are often confused when a spectator has a silent reaction instead of the screams they saw in a preview video for the latest and greatest trick. Everyone reacts differently to magic.

i agree, and while somthings might not grab as emotionally, there are just as much maybe more oppritunities to grab the imagination in such routines and things like gambling audience can relate thought life experence if you play on those facts. i think it can all be just as electricfing to the audience we think about the things that a particular plot can grab at and work it
just a note, the plots, or types of magic gambing or mentalisum can be replaced with anything, myself perform little of either, except some things have a little mental feel to it. i just want to point out , they are just examples in the larger picture
These are all great points and relevant to reaching the spectator on that level. I feel about myself that I can never be perfect as a performer. Mostly everyone that watches me perform says I have a presence with people that can't be learn in a book. I appreciate that but I never get comfortable due to fear of missing what is important, The Reaction! Its that one thing we as magicians I think is sometimes forgotten. At times it seems to me that performers seem to be performing to themselves and not the audience. What I mean by that is its as if there showing off instead of getting inside of the audience's minds and hearts for their benefit. I always think I can do better and that keeps me humble. I want my audience to believe what their seeing is real magic and not a trick. I think these post are the most important cause they make you gig deep inside ourselves. Thanks for the thoughts guys.
Very good insite from all of you. Since gaining respect and trust from your spectator is key. If you can connect (like Wayne said) on an emtional level then it's something really special. I performed for some friends this morning and I made up this whole thing about cards and stuff and they just couldn't believe what I did. I used a Gaff deck but they were still just amazed. What really made me feel good is one of them said they felt a vibe coming from me and the deck and it's impossible to explain how it felt.

Jul 13, 2009
Another one, and I am interested if the people who originaly posted in this thread still share the same view.
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