S.W.E. Shift Angles

Sep 2, 2007
La Crescenta, CA
In the book, it looks like the angles are around eye level to the upper torso. Like Chris Kenner said, however, many people have not mastered the move - I am not one of those special people who has gotten this down. I may be wrong about the angles simply because I've never tried this move.


ceo / theory11
Team member
Jul 23, 2007
New York City
The most ideal, deceptive angle is with the lateral edge of the deck facing your audience dead-on. That said, the move can also be done from the side of your dominant hand (hard to explain without revealing the exact technique).

In a nutshell, the best way to learn the exact angles for it is simple trial and error in front of everyone's favorite practice partner... the mirror.
Sep 4, 2007
Los Angeles
it seems meant to be. i have been working on this move for the past two weeks after seeing it in Expert at the Card Table (and remembering that it is used in CK's elevator in TOOC) , and I have really wanted to see it explained in video form. your gods have spoken I will have to buy this one-on-one. after reading JB's post (excellent advice) it occurred to me that I learned this move while camping and I did not have my favorite practice partner present.
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