Saturday Night Contest - A FREE Trip To Magic-Con 2010

Hello my name is Nelson Gil I am 17 years old and i would love to go to
magi-con. I'm not going to say i "deserve" to go because i dont believe I do. I have been doing magic for a little over two years, but i have been odssessed with it my entire life. The first time i ever saw magic being performed was out on the street. I was four years old and me and my family were on vacation in Key West. There were some performers outside on the street that were well performing. There were huge displays, people juggling fire, swallowing swords, doing all kinds of amazing unimaginable things, but the one person i was most facinated by was a man doing some magic crad tricks. I believe it was some acr routine he was performing. He noticed that i was watching especially since there weren't many people paying attention to him. He called me and my dad over and showed us the same trick as a finisher he made the card appear in my pocket it was amazing, ever since i have had a true heart for magic. I know the odds for you guys picking me to go are a million to one and air fair from florida to california would cost a fortune but i would be the most grateful person in the world if i was chosen. Thank you for reading my essay.

Nelson Gil
Aug 10, 2008
In a rock concert
I really really would want to go and couple of reasons are that, first of all, I haven't meet another magician face to face EVER, I live in mexico so talking to such people is a rarity, hell I am a rarity in here:p.

I have performing magic for about 4 years now, It has given me great things, I have meet a lot of new people, Im making a career out of it and other of the reasons is that I have met unbelievable people here in the forums, I have made good friends, I have learned a lot and most of all the ammount of theory that we have sharedis enourmous. That's why I would like to go.

If I can learn this much and imrpove not only my tricks, but my performance and even my own persona by just talking to friends online (that sounded neerdy didn't it?) I can't imagine how much I would learn from other people in just one day.

I want to improve.

My entry pretty much is not going to make it . But anyway just to extend a thank you to all the guys that I have befriended here that have helped me a lot. You guys know who you are.


ceo / theory11
Team member
Jul 23, 2007
New York City
Amazing submissions thus far. Just wanted to chime in that we are reading and watching every single post here - so keep 'em coming. There are five days left until the deadline this Friday at 11:00pm EST, so take your time and make it count. Good to luck to all...


Jan 11, 2008
I'm just curious. Did anyone claim the Magic-Con Grand Prize for the Christmas Giveaway? Or are is t11 so generous that they're giving away 2 trips to Magic-Con [one for the Christmas Giveaway, and the other for this SNC]? :) P.S. My entry will be in soon!


Elite Member
Oct 16, 2007
Spokane WA

Ummm, cause ill bring you a case of red bull, a paperclip, pinecone, duct tape (industrial strength) to tape Raiker, Some cheerwine and some sic new stuff you have never seen before! And ill buy JBs drinks afterwards! :D Did I mention I have the iphone hookup?
Oct 7, 2009
hey... my name is richard abdool i deserve to go to magic con(this is me being confident;)) i think i deserve to go to magic con because i have a burning desire to be a great magician and amaze people.I live in trinidad and tobago here there are no porfessional magicain nor is their any place to learn magic except the enternet. I love poforming magic especially because people in trinidad believe in voodoo and superstition.I need to go to magic con because i know it will help me become a way better magician by taking to porfessional magicians which i have not had the pleasure of doing yet.This will be a huge step for me and magicians the caribbean who are not geting there voices heard in the magic community.PLEASE pick me and thank you.......

“Love and magic have a great deal in common. They enrich the soul, delight the heart. And they both take practice.”
Mar 7, 2009
Huntington, WV
[MOD Edit: I removed the quote due to the fact the post itself was removed. We all know trolls when we see them, so back to the contest everyone.]
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Feb 8, 2010
so I will try my luck:
My name is Patrick, i'm 26 and from Germany.
I do magic since 5 years. This year I will participate the first time at the german magic-championships!
So may be 2012 I'll be in blackpool too, at least as a visitor ;)
I like magic. It's in such a multi-faceted way ... magical.
I love slight of hand and to spend time learning difficult moves until I finally master them.
And I appreciate the special attention in details, which exists a lot in magic.
You can never reach the finish-line, there is allways something to improve. But that's why it's called "the journey is the reward" - and with magic, this is a fulfilling journey!
And I would like to take a trip to magic-con within this journey, to meet interesting people, to share some thoughts and to learn.
I would be glad to be chosen.

And to prove that I'm not only a story-teller but really addicted into magic, here are two videos of me, doing my magic: (spoken in german) (music only)
Sep 21, 2009
My Entry

I have been doing magic for a long time now , and have always wanted to improve the art and need guidance to do so. I really think this Con will guide me and help me across my path.
A Con featuring all the top names in magic , meeting them , learning from them would really be a pleasure and would really help me to archive my goal.I has always been my dream to go to the Magic Con.
Really hope you choose me and I am really grateful to you for this wonderful contest.
I'll be back with my submission..........


ceo / theory11
Team member
Jul 23, 2007
New York City
Hey JB does the winner get the membership to the Magic Castle as well? lol:D

Just to clear this up - YES. The winner of this contest will receive full registration to Magic-Con, which comes with a complimentary, 30 day membership to the very exclusive Magic Castle in Hollywood, California. Full information and details on our partnership with the Academy of Magical Arts (The Magic Castle) can be found here.
Magi Con 2010

So Ive been trying to record a video entry for the Saturday Night Contest for the past two days and can not save it to my computer. All those years in college getting my degree in broadcasting really helped lol.

Well this is my first post in the Theory 11 forums! Where is the party going to be at?!?!? I found out about this and couldnt pass up the opportunity. So lets kick it off!!! My name is Chris Oberle im 25 years old and live in Cincinnati Ohio. I thought I would share with you guys a little bit about myself, why I do magic, why I got into magic. I know many people say, "Ive been doing magic ever sense I came out of the womb." With me it was pretty much when I was conceived lol. Ok ok ok to tell you the truth Ive been into magic on and off ever sense I was little. It all started off one Christmas my parents bought me a small magic set. You know the ones with the cheap plastic that had the little plastic ring that you put around your finger and you push the sword thru?!? AWESOME!!!

I really did not understand the moves but would do the most simple things as to what I thought was magic. I slowly got out of magic and didnt get back into it until I was in highschool. My brother passed away my sophmore year and less than a year later my father passed away. It was really hard on the family and I wanted to do something that would lift their spirits. I didnt realize the power and the impact that magic had on people until it was at that moment. I got back into magic and would start performing for my family. It was something that I grew to be so passionate about and I learned that for that brief moment when you are performing they forget all about their pain and problems and they believe that something so impossible is possible.

As I got into college I was learning all I could and reading everything I could about magic. I got involved with Class-Acts entertainment based out of Columbus and started performing at Casinos and doing parties for friends and family. Every time I would perform I always had in my mind what it does for people and I became obsessed with the idea.

This past year I went to dealer school and I started dealing at a local casino. DEALING BLACKJACK GUYS!!! They found out I did magic and wanted me to perform at the casino as well. I was in heaven! I want to learn as much as I can at Magic-Con 2010. Things that I havent been able to learn and meet the people that I have always wanted to meet. I WANT TO GO TO CALI!!! Lol I need a vacation! Its the freaking North Pole here in Cincinnati.

I have only been to one convention, Magi Fest in Columbus and it was amazing! I met people I looked up to, Aaron Fisher, Wayne Houchin, B Smith, Justin Miller. I really wanted to go this year but wasnt able to go to because my mother was diagnosed with a brain tumor this past spring and I have been doing all I could to take care of her. Life is full of ups and downs but I believe that things like this happen for a reason and it makes you stronger as a person.

I would also like to thank you for taking the time to read this. If I am considered to go to Magi-Con I will be forever grateful. I would get so much out of it, what I need to work on, what im good at, I will learn things that I havent been able to learn before, and most of all make friends.

Also if I go I will go with a tux painted on my body because I cant afford one lol.

Thought I would up the anti
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Feb 8, 2010
Hi guys & gals,

Paul Vigil here with my contribution.

1. I promise no flourishes, not even one. ;)

2. I promise no visual magic either. :p

3. And, I promise to still kick everyone's butt. :D

Take 5 yards back. Continue play. Game on.


Apr 5, 2009
hey guys, i've typed a three page paper, SINGLE SPACE! oh yeah. and i'm still working on other creative ways to show what i hope to do. just letting you know that i will be posting in this contest. and i needed to make it known to the public so i couldnt chicken out. haha
Dec 28, 2009
Im gunna take us all back about 8 years ago when i learned about card magic. When i was about 10 years old i went
with my my friend landon and his dad to a harding magic show. I was look at these performers aksing how in the world is this even possible. I went up to this magician and asked him " how did u do that" he said i wont tell you my secret but please enjoy the show . I was a little mad cause i reallly wanted to no all these secrets to the magic tricks. So later about wwhen i was about 14 years old and i was watching tv when i got called by my mother who said dillon look at this i came in there and she had a show on of this guy dong magic. His name is david blaine i asked what channel she said 218 i ran to my room sat on my bed and quicky looked for 218. I had found it so as i watched david do his tricks,escapes surving in water and ice for days it astonished me. i have always had a love for cards and card games so i played around with them throwing them doing everything i could think of. Then my stepdad comes homeand says look at this video so he goes to youtube and he shows me some randome video then i go on it and i learn all about this new youtube site. i look up card magic on youtube and i find tutorial im like what are these i click on one and its showing me the tricks then telling me how to do them.I was like wow so i click on more and more i play with my cards and now i no tone of smalll simple card tricks .i was then clicking arounnd then i found a thing on card throwing im like what so i click on it and this man named rick smith jr he was a world recored holder because he threw a playing card 216f 4" i was like wow i searched moreon him i picked up this techniuqe.Then i see a man on youtube called fun808 i watch his tips and tricks video this video inspired me to start grwoing on my collection. so over the years i grow this collection . in year of 2007 i make an account named masterillusions my idea was to take a trick and master it then perform it then post the video well i didnt do tht. I found a man again named mismag822 i learned his amazing tutorials and made my videos of his tricks. then i saw people telling me about this sight called theory11 i looked it up onl to find the most amzing things left a right i was amazed by these card they had tricks i searfched around to find like things i wanted i learned from some peopel helping me like these pro tricks like chad nelson, and dav and dave,daniel madison,daniel garcia ect ect. i saw a video of them explaingin what they tought of theory11 and chad said " most kids take tons of tricks and pratcie them all but to be come a better magician you should 3 tricks and practice them hard" i took that advice to heart. i go to youtube to find a video about xmc i didnt no nothing about this i see a video called kick ass manipulation people doing these aweosme fans spreads and crazy displays i wanted to do these so i looked up tutorial luckaly to find some so i took the xcm and made it in to my card tricks together then i find out another thing up called cardistry so i have become a crazed fan of it over 3 years my magic explerience has went from bad flashes to to crazy to see adn i wanted like what most kids wanted money and free stuff but i showed magic to my firend and her reaction was what made to what i think and still strive towards magic today i never wanted this more till then her reaction was like wow i can tell my work and timeless effort towrds these tricks and m favorte affect was taking two cards and switching them or takeing two cards placing it in the center then with a "snap" it pops to the top.The reason i would love to go to magic con is because i want to show all these cardist and idol magicain of mine and otheres plue get more knowlegde of people i never even heard of plus i want to be that centre of attention i wanna be the next big thing the the guy those novice magician look up to the one proffesional say will be astonished everytime the see my tricks i want the trip to magic con but i can hope i give everyone else a fairer chance cause im not gunna be disapponted if i dont wiht caus eall i no is ill be known eventually ill be out there ill have done more then some will ever i want god to look over eveyer one who enters and those who have put more effort deserve more chance then me in gods name we all love amen
Jan 5, 2010
Magic-Con 2010

It's not me who makes me want to go to Magic-Con 2010 but the essence of the art of magic... It is the one who makes me do impossible things that no one can ever imagine...
Feb 9, 2010

Hey everyone,

Here’s my video submission:

I really hope I get to go, like I said for me it’s more that I get to meet some people that I’ve always wanted to be able to meet. The lectures will be fantastic but I have some friends who will be attending whom I have never met because of being active on different forums. I would be SUPER grateful for that opportunity to listen to some amazing lectures with some good friends.

Also I hope to be a bit more active on these forums as well; some really cool guys are here too.

I wish everyone the best of luck!

Thanks to anyone who reads and watches the video

Sum up Reasons:
1.I want to learn more to able to help others with a better understanding of magic

2. I love magic (simple but true)

3. Without the help of theory 11 I may never get to meet some amazing people I have always wanted to; not the super stars there but the regular average Joe attending. Watching a lecture with these guys would be a dream come true for me.
Aug 31, 2007
Deserving ?

It took me 6 hours to made my video... But after all, I don't think I will post it...

This competition is about deserving a trip to Magic-con 2010.

And I think I don't deserve it more than this guy!
(He is an inspiration for every Magician/Flourisher)

I would like to entry this video for this competion, but it's not mine...

Thank you for reading.

Teppe Daniels

Message for "mahdigilbert" (the cardist in the video) : I don't know you, but i hope you win man ;)
Dec 18, 2009
It took me 6 hours to made my video... But after all, I don't think I will post it...

This competition is about deserving a trip to Magic-con 2010.

And I think I don't deserve it more than this guy!
(He is an inspiration for every Magician/Flourisher)

I would like to entry this video for this competion, but it's not mine...

Thank you for reading.

Teppe Daniels

Message for "mahdigilbert" (the cardist in the video) : I don't know you, but i hope you win man ;)

I agree. This guy deserves to go more than any of us. He has worked harder than all of us.
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