Stage Magic

It kind of sounds like you have just bought these effects or about to buy it. Some of the effects listed sound good as a single effect or routine. I do not know how you perform or what you stage personality is so I can't properly judge the effects.

It seems that you have a stage act that might be okay, but adding effects like Ivanish and SAW seem to me out of place. Its like going from Yayyy, SParkleths and Rainbows to I am going to go and cut myself after the show.
Aug 31, 2007
Long Island/New York
Also, I don't know where you learned "Coin Operated Boy" and for all I know you learned it from Dan himself, but I would really recommend NOT performing a working professional's unpublished, and signature effect. Please correct me if it is published.

I'm not sure, but isn't that the same thing as the ivanish?

It kind of sounds like you have just bought these effects or about to buy it. Some of the effects listed sound good as a single effect or routine. I do not know how you perform or what you stage personality is so I can't properly judge the effects.

It seems that you have a stage act that might be okay, but adding effects like Ivanish and SAW seem to me out of place. Its like going from Yayyy, SParkleths and Rainbows to I am going to go and cut myself after the show.

You need tricks that tie in well together and with your persona as well.
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