Strange Coin gimmick?

Nov 29, 2009
So I've recently watched Tommy Wonder's Vision of Wonder and there was a gimmick in there which I can't tell where to get or what it was. It had a washer on one side, coin on the other. A hole goes all the way through, and a shell covers the washer and has a piece on it that fills the hole. It's difficult to explain. you could watch the "socked coins" part of visions of wonder if you want to see what it looks like.
Jul 8, 2008
SOunds like a modified Chinatown Half gimmick. Those are the ones that have a half dollar on one side and a chinese coin on the other but there is some black felt or some skin colored putty in the hole you you can hold it against a dark surface or your hand and it will look just like a chinese coin and nothing else.
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