t11.bulletin - theory11 has a MASSIVE secret

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Jul 1, 2009
Hey guys, let's keep things positive. Just to confirm - EVERYTHING is revealed this Saturday night at 11:00pm EST. No more timers, no more clues, no more build up - I promise. This is the main event that will be well worth the wait. JetEye, to us, last night was a huge, epic success. I apologize that only five people were able to win, but that is sort of the point of being a competition. We HAND delivered the top prize at 11:00pm on a Monday night. Craziness! Crazy. Ness.

The event is this Saturday simply because that is the soonest we could complete the work. We are not resting comfortably behind the scenes. We originally hoped to have things ready by August 1st, but we needed the extra week to finish what we started nearly a year ago. Our entire team has lost count of sleepless nights, seeing the sunrise before we called it a day on multiple occasions this week. The bottle of midnight oil is approaching empty! But we are very, very proud of the projects we are preparing to unveil, and you will soon see why it took us all this time to make it happen.

I am very, very excited for what is to come. But for now, I have to get back to work!

I'm really glad to hear that JB.....will look forward to saturday, but DAMN I'm going to be a tourment so I have to wait until Monday :(
May 9, 2008
Hey guys, let's keep things positive. Just to confirm - EVERYTHING is revealed this Saturday night at 11:00pm EST. No more timers, no more clues, no more build up - I promise. This is the main event that will be well worth the wait. JetEye, to us, last night was a huge, epic success. I apologize that only five people were able to win, but that is sort of the point of being a competition. We HAND delivered the top prize at 11:00pm on a Monday night. Craziness! Crazy. Ness.

The event is this Saturday simply because that is the soonest we could complete the work. We are not resting comfortably behind the scenes. We originally hoped to have things ready by August 1st, but we needed the extra week to finish what we started nearly a year ago. Our entire team has lost count of sleepless nights, seeing the sunrise before we called it a day on multiple occasions this week. The bottle of midnight oil is approaching empty! But we are very, very proud of the projects we are preparing to unveil, and you will soon see why it took us all this time to make it happen.

I am very, very excited for what is to come. But for now, I have to get back to work!

Hey JB! Thanks for the clarification! That's awesome to hear. I didn't mean to say that the entire event was a failure. I'm sure last night was awesome for you and the winners, and that is a huge success. A package being hand delivered at 11PM at night is EPIC. To reiterate, I'm not upset that there were only 5 winners, I get that. I completely get that. Not everyone can win.

However, it was never explained in the clues that the next timer was counting down to the release of the winners. That's why I and so many others were frustrated about last night. For MYSELF, it was an epic event failure. I planned my whole night around the timer ending. I spent the entire day being excited about last night only to have the rug pulled out from beneath me to find out really nothing was waiting. I was trying to stay as positive as I could until people started saying things like this:

All of you are acting like ****ing children.

How is that ok? Are we not able to express ourselves around here without people putting each other down? It's just not cool. I don't come here to be harrassed.

I understand how busy you guys must be preparing for the release. I hope you understand that all my frustration and dissappointment stems from all my excitement and love for Theory11. As I've said in other threads, I appreciate all of the theory11 crew's hard work and always making things fun and bringing us quality products time and time again.

I can't wait for Saturday!! I'm bringing my laptop with me whereever I go so I can link up with the WiFi to get the awesome news. I know everything will live up to the hype!
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Apr 27, 2010
I think T11 doesn't give enough chances for the average guy to win. It's about superior skill or whatever. They should have given everyone something to win, or none at all. I just am disappointed a bit. Especially when the prize is good and lets down everyone with hope.


Wow. So this is the product of the politically correct, fluffy, feel-good society that we've brought on ourselves. A society where there are no "F's" in school, no winners or losers in little league games, where everyone is special and no one should have their feelings hurt.

"..Enough chance for the average guy to win"? Right. Because the 5 who won were brilliant mutants.

Of course T11 should have given out a prize to everyone who attempted the riddles. Everyone is a winner in life right?

I have never seen such a bunch of whiny, pathetic, weak bunch of sisses crying about how they didn't win something or how disappointed they were at.....an online contest....LOL!

We should all feel good about what we've done to the collective mental fortitude in this country. Our future looks bright.
Sep 1, 2007
Ontario, Canada
How is that ok? Are we not able to express ourselves around here without people putting each other down? It's just not cool. I don't come here to be harrassed!
I wasnt harrassing you? I just come here to see what was revealed and have to sort through 5 pages of whining. Anyways JB asked us to please stop the negativity so I recommend out of respect we both let this go.
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Apr 20, 2010
I think T11 doesn't give enough chances for the average guy to win. It's about superior skill or whatever. They should have given everyone something to win, or none at all. I just am disappointed a bit. Especially when the prize is good and lets down everyone with hope.


Oh my god man. Honestly what's up with you? It clearly stated only a few would win. Did I win? No. I did not. I'm not riled up about it and I just can't wait to see what's released. Do you really expect for this relatively small company to send something to everyone who finds an email? This wasn't a contest for skill. The average guy COULD have won, many did! It's not about superior skill it's about rewarding those who look hard and efficiently. There's nothing wrong with that. You can't expect everything in life on a silver platter. Your moods swing back and forth violently to dramatically show your position and it's starting to get very annoying.
May 9, 2008
I guess we were all assuming because of the Sentinels video during the hunt "SNTLN.mov", that Genesis Volume 2 would be released. That's sort of a big assumption. JB stated not too long ago that Genesis Vol. 2 was quite a ways off. Perhaps he was just trying to throw us off the trail.

I'm hoping that there is something cardistry related on Saturday.

How cool would it be to incorporate Shmoke into a cardistry routine? Imagine... controlling a cloud of smoke with 2 one-handed fans... imagine blowing smoke rings through the center of the eye cut.... imagine blowing smoke into a tornado cut. The possibilities are practically endless. I can't wait to toy with it a bit.
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Elite Member
Mar 21, 2009
That Genisis 2.0 could have just been the trailer for the new deck. And nothing will be released on Saturday correct?(not sure if a fully clear answer was given?) Just the info on the stuff?
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