T11 Has Come A Long Way

Just wanted to say that from when I joined here a few years ago where there were only a few products out, to the abundance of material that's available now to choose from, I'd just like to say thanks & congratulations to T11 for growing to what it has become & for there growing progress, it really is impressive. I'm really thankfull for having a site like this, especially for those times where you go through that phase of not being all that excited about magic & need a magic pick me up to help get you excited about magic again. I've also been bitten by the "create your own magic bug" this past year, & just when I thuaght I could'nt get any more excited about the possibilities, or come up with any more ideas, thanks to T11, I've discovered the genius of Calen Morelli who I am now his biggest fan. I don't think there has been any other magician out there who has fooled me more or ispired me creativity wise than him, & I am blown away by his 365 days of magic.

He has inspired me to think differently & to strive to create more, because if he can do it every day, I can at the least strive to come up with 1 new idea per week or more. & I definetely plan on saving some cash so I can buy a session with him over at Ellusionist, as I'd like to have just half of his secrets to creativity, & if he isnt already, every big name magician out there- Blaine, Copperfield, Angel could benefit tremendously from this talented kid. & if I ever get my own tv show, he'd be at the top of my dream list for consultants, along with all the other talented artists here. So again, it's great to have place like this to learn magic from, but to also get even more out of it by being inspired by all the awesome people here who make it happen, so again, thank you Theory 11 for helping to keep the magic in my life alive, & special thanks to Chris Kenner for just being awesome, he really is a great guy. Thanks again!


ceo / theory11
Team member
Jul 23, 2007
New York City
Wow - thank you for posting this. I know people say "you just made my day" a lot, but you seriously just made my day. Our entire team works hard to constantly push the envelope and keep the creativity flowing. More importantly, as you mentioned, we have a great time in the process. What sets our team apart is passion - and nothing is more important. When we're creating a new product, we eat, sleep, and drink it. We work with the artist to polish the effect, then we work with them to polish it some more. We agonize over every minute cut in a video, making sure the preview does the effect justice.

That said, we're far from perfect, and we strive to improve with every passing project. We learn from our mistakes and we build on that experience. I think that progression is evident not only in the production quality of our videos (wait till you see Genesis v2 this Friday!), but also in our focus on maintaining quality over quantity, three and a half years later. Onward and upwards, and thank you for your kind words.
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