T11 Round Table Discussion - Wayne Houchin

Aug 30, 2007
theory11 roundtable discussion : Wayne Houchin

Hello and welcome to tonight's round table discussion featuring Wayne Houchin. It goes a little something like this:

The time now is 7:30pm EDT. You have from now until 10:00pm EDT (2 hours and 30 minutes) to submit any questions you may have for tonight's round table guest, Wayne Houchin. All questions are fair game (unless they refer to his compulsive eyeliner use which he's very sensitive about). Up to 3 non-eyeliner related questions per member.

Questions should obviously be professional and on topic. We will select 5 - 10 questions from this thread to be asked during a podcast interview with Mr. Houchin himself. A link to the podcast will be posted in this thread at 11:00pm EDT tonight.

If we pick your question to answer, that means you're special. And you win stuff. Specifically, you win the 1-on-1 video of your choice on the house. Woot.

Remember that all questions must be in on or before 10:00pm EDT. If you post after that, we will curse you under our collective breath and then do nothing about it. Don't say we didn't give you fair warning.

UPDATE: Check out the podcast HERE.

Sep 1, 2007
What inspires you to create magic and what process is normally involved in the creation of your effects?

What got you into magic?

If you could choose to only create magic, or only perform magic, which would you choose?
Oct 19, 2007
lol eyeliner........................ cool

1. What made you choose to pro sue a magic carrier?

2. Did you have any nicknames in high school for doing magic? What were they lol

3. What did you do to get pro mission to do the straight jacket escape in your town? Was it difficult to get everything set up?
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May 6, 2008
My questions:

1-What is the first trick that you came up with?
2- Are you planning to do different kind of tricks in the future?(like coins or mentalism)
3-How long does it usually take you to come up with a trick and develop it?
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Dec 23, 2007
Fredonia, NY
what is your next project and when can we expect it?

What is your most prized possession in regards to magic. eg. Signed deck, prop, etc.

You seem to incorporate physicality into your magic. stigmata, control, thread, they all involve your own body as a canvas for your art. Why is this? what inspires this brand of magic. it is truly unique.
1- If you were to use a T11 product in yoru nightly close up routine, which would it be?

2- When you first create an effect, who is the first person/people you show it to when its finally "polished"?

3- If you were a playing card, which one would you be?
Sep 2, 2007
1) Throughout your entire experience with magic, has there ever been a time when you felt like you wanted to move on or try another proffesion? If so, what made you pull through and stay with this art and become what you are today?
May 24, 2008
1. When creating new magic, do you generally think of an awesome effect, for example "It would be great if i could make a card appear on my arm" and then think of the method to do it? OR the other way round, do you have a new move or sleight, and think of an awesome effect to use it for?
Feb 1, 2008
1. do you do any magic that is not yours or do you stick with your own stuff.
2. do you do any other magic than card magic.
3. what is your favorite effect.
Dec 3, 2007
1- From which age did you get into magic, and what influenced you in starting and continuing your carrier in magic.

2- What does the SideShow with Josh Funk mean to you, what influenced you in creating this act, and if you get a contract in making it a full time a year or more length act would you go for it and why?

3- What is the best time in your life that you came through with your magic.
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