The Best No-String Levitation

Oct 11, 2007
Are there any good levitations that are absolutely visual and involve no strings? Because I am obsessed with levitation and am tired of using invisible thread and having people say, "Can I wave my hand over it?":confused:
Aug 31, 2007
Can you explain to me why you believe King Rising is crap?



Well, in my opinion, King Rising's angles are incredibly sensitive. I have had this trick for over two years now and still have not received one decent reaction. They always say, "Oh, wait, I know how you do that, you're taking *********". HOWEVER, I have found that doing the same levitation while putting a jacket over my legs gives me some great reactions. Still, I would love to get a levitation WITHOUT the jacket, but you can't get everything right?

Anyways, pertaining to the OP's question, why don't you get Hover Card? It's a great levitation and you can wave your hand over the card, too.
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