Unveil - A New Effect

May 3, 2008
Hong Kong
no you cant... what if i handed you airplane cards?
alot of people own novelty cards at home which arent sold anywhere except the souvenir shop which they got it from. These are made from a range of random materials, have random sizes, finishes, etc.
You would have to perform this with the deck you "prepared" to show it with
Jan 8, 2010
no you cant... what if i handed you airplane cards?
alot of people own novelty cards at home which arent sold anywhere except the souvenir shop which they got it from. These are made from a range of random materials, have random sizes, finishes, etc.
You would have to perform this with the deck you "prepared" to show it with

Hi. Hugh here, if u do a change isn't the whole card is supposes to be changes? Furthermore, if tar is the case juz make sure the face of the card does not differ too much. Hope thar helped!
May 3, 2008
Hong Kong
Hi. Hugh here, if u do a change isn't the whole card is supposes to be changes? Furthermore, if tar is the case juz make sure the face of the card does not differ too much. Hope thar helped!

Yes that is right but the thing is... Due to different sizes of novelty cards, the changed card may not fit. As well as this, wont they notice that its different when they sign it?
Jan 8, 2010
I get what u mean.that's why u should find cards with similar faces. If not there are some good tricks out there that teaches this particular colour change.hope it helped
May 3, 2008
Hong Kong
Well yea... then there are some limits... well I have no idea where this is going.. so... good luck and hope you do produce a better performance video for our judging eyes.
Jan 13, 2010
why wouldn't you be able to do this with a borrowed deck? he never said ANY borrowed deck, just suggesting that you can do it with a borrowed deck. if he finds a deck of blue bikes laying around, he can use stray red deck cards, or whatever.

while it is not, "original", it looks great. maybe you should figure out a clear vision for this, hugh. this isn't really marketable, when most people can produce the same thing with other methods.

good luck, sirs.
Sep 3, 2007
I like the effect. It's pretty darn good. Just wondering, as is the original poster, what effects besides the obvious aren't original?

I see all this "not original" but couldn't find any references to the originals here. I haven't seen many deck-to-boxes. I have seen some but for me it is the method that is original, not the effect.
Jan 8, 2010
Hi guys, Hugh here, I'm appealing to all of u guys here. I'm reali thankful on all ur advice and would do something to improve on it. And i would reali reali hope that u guys can help me with this effect. The method is original,however I agree it lack something. I would hope that u guys could give me a helping hand as I had lots of new tricks which I would like to share with u guys but I had not enuf advices to help me. If u guys would like it we could form a group or something together online. If u guys agree or are interested pls pm me.thks'!
May 3, 2008
Hong Kong
I like the effect. It's pretty darn good. Just wondering, as is the original poster, what effects besides the obvious aren't original?

I see all this "not original" but couldn't find any references to the originals here. I haven't seen many deck-to-boxes. I have seen some but for me it is the method that is original, not the effect.

I have already explained I meant original in the context of... context. It may not be the most new and refreshing of plot, but most of the products I find worthy out there and ones which I found a good purchase are usually the ones which help me boost my creativity and style within performing. The general plot my be old news (Torn and Restored) but the way it is handled and put into context (Fire in the Hole) is original.
And what is the point of having an original method if it is not "better" per se. We have seen a million methods for the classic torn and restored with 4 pieces and what not but why do some prefer the ones that they do? It's not like a small change in the method will suddenly revolutionize the world of card magic.
Jan 8, 2010
I have already explained I meant original in the context of... context. It may not be the most new and refreshing of plot, but most of the products I find worthy out there and ones which I found a good purchase are usually the ones which help me boost my creativity and style within performing. The general plot my be old news (Torn and Restored) but the way it is handled and put into context (Fire in the Hole) is original.
And what is the point of having an original method if it is not "better" per se. We have seen a million methods for the classic torn and restored with 4 pieces and what not but why do some prefer the ones that they do? It's not like a small change in the method will suddenly revolutionize the world of card magic.

hey sciffydof, hugh here, i got ur point alr. dont bother trying to explain it :) thks alot! haha no pun intended.
Sep 3, 2007
I have already explained I meant original in the context of... context. It may not be the most new and refreshing of plot, but most of the products I find worthy out there and ones which I found a good purchase are usually the ones which help me boost my creativity and style within performing. The general plot my be old news (Torn and Restored) but the way it is handled and put into context (Fire in the Hole) is original.
And what is the point of having an original method if it is not "better" per se. We have seen a million methods for the classic torn and restored with 4 pieces and what not but why do some prefer the ones that they do? It's not like a small change in the method will suddenly revolutionize the world of card magic.

So what you are saying is that the method the op is using is not good? I watched the video and have no idea how it was accomplished. Most likely because the editing but I'm not about to throw a monkey wrench to a midget. Hand it to him lightly!

AND this is a big point: It doesn't have to be the "best" trick out there to be workable.



creator / <a href="http://www.theory11.com/tricks/
Nov 21, 2009
Sacramento, Cali
The entire problem with the video is the "fancy" editing used. Leave the cuts, the edits and fancy titling to the pros. If you are trying to get an effect out on the market, you need to understand that these companies do not care about what editing software you use.

They want to see the effect from start to finish with no cuts or edits. The time you spent eiditing the video could've been spent working on the handling of the actual effect.

On a positive note, you are creating magic. Even if it has been done before, YOU thought it was original. If you are creating and thinking like that at a young age, imagine what time will do to your creative process and thinking?

And do not be discouraged by the negative comments on here. You might not have hit a homerun this time around but that is part of creating. Keep getting those base hits until you crack a grand slam!

Sep 3, 2007
I actually liked the trick, all editing beside. It looks workable minus some flaws in the "borrow" anything deck. It looks like a good trick. Why does no one else like it? I'm starting to think it has something to do with jealousy.

Luis Vega

Elite Member
Mar 19, 2008
Leon, Guanajuato Mexico
The entire problem with the video is the "fancy" editing used. Leave the cuts, the edits and fancy titling to the pros. If you are trying to get an effect out on the market, you need to understand that these companies do not care about what editing software you use.

They want to see the effect from start to finish with no cuts or edits. The time you spent eiditing the video could've been spent working on the handling of the actual effect.

On a positive note, you are creating magic. Even if it has been done before, YOU thought it was original. If you are creating and thinking like that at a young age, imagine what time will do to your creative process and thinking?

And do not be discouraged by the negative comments on here. You might not have hit a homerun this time around but that is part of creating. Keep getting those base hits until you crack a grand slam!


man!!! I couldn´t agree more...
Sep 6, 2009
Well, the demo was pretty misleading. I like the excuse of a bad camera guy for switching things.

It makes me want to go and perform this effect for people, but make them look at it through the camera screen!

To anyone who buys this: I have a bridge I want to sell you.


creator / <a href="http://www.theory11.com/tricks/
Nov 21, 2009
Sacramento, Cali
Well, the demo was pretty misleading. I like the excuse of a bad camera guy for switching things.

It makes me want to go and perform this effect for people, but make them look at it through the camera screen!

To anyone who buys this: I have a bridge I want to sell you.

Let's be real for a second here. Most demos we see are misleading. Hell, even HYPE surrounding an effect can be misleading. (PH's Little Man)

If anything, the video was shot how MOST demos of effects are shot: Wobbly camera, cuts in and out, fancy graphics, etc...

Sep 6, 2009
True... the demo for Dean Dill's Blizzard takes the camera away while you do a move. Many other videos make use of spectator's screaming to focus the camera on them while something is switched and examined.

Still, the Brooklyn Bridge is waiting. $500. :D
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