Weirdest/funniest questions you've been asked while performing?

Antonio Diavolo

Elite Member
Jan 2, 2016
I get a lot of ridiculous questions when performing and thought it would be interesting to share mine/hear everyone else's.

So here are a few of the strangest questions I've been asked:

"Does it have to be a blue deck? Because you're wearing a blue shirt too and that's kind of suspicious..."

"Would you say you know like every magic trick?"

"Have you met Houdini?"

"Is Now You See Me based on a true story?"

"Have you seen that oriental magician?" (I think this was in reference to Shin Lim or Will Tsai. They didn't elaborate beyond this.)

*After doing a trick using the toxic principle using their phone* "but can you do it with MY phone?"

"So what happens if you break the magician rule? Do you like have to quit or something?"

"How did they do
*Insert impossible trick done with CGI* in Now You See Me?"

"Can you like slit someone's throat with a card?"

And that's all I can remember right now. I'll add more if I remember but I'm more interested in hearing the weird questions/comments you've received while performing.


Elite Member
Jul 15, 2013
"Did you have to go to a special school for magic?"
- There's an obvious answer to this question :p

"Does that trick have to be done with cards?"
-It was an ambitious card routine. This lass was a tad tipsy, to say the least.

"Can you tell me the next winning lotto numbers?"
-Would I be here right now if I could?

Antonio Diavolo

Elite Member
Jan 2, 2016
"Can you make my wife disappear?"

"Have you seen that guy, umm - - David Blaine?"

"Can you do a trick with THIS?" (*Always asked by some little kid who has grabbed whatever object happens to be close at hand)
I always find it funny when someone asks "Have you heard of..." and follows it up with a very well known magician like David Blaine or Penn & Teller.
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Jan 26, 2017
I always find it funny when someone asks "Have you heard of..." and follows it up with a very well known magician like David Blaine or Penn & Teller.
Once someone asked me "Have you heard of that guy on AGT/BGT/(Can't remember the GT) that did the thing?".

I gave a name
I gave the performance

He was legit on T.V. like 5 minutes ago :D

Antonio Diavolo

Elite Member
Jan 2, 2016
"Can you tell me the next winning lotto numbers?"
People always think they're so clever with jokes like
"Can you make my wife/husband/friend disappear?"
"Can you turn my money into $100s
“Can I have your number?” (From both ladies and gents)

“Can you do that without clothes on?”

“Can you make my wife/husband/fat/debt disappear?”

“Can you do that again but this time use real magic?”
I’ve gotten the “can you do it naked” before lol
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Sep 1, 2017
I was showing my friend the Svengali deck trick where all the cards become the seven of spades, and then back to normal. He was astounded, then lost in thought and finally asked THAT question.

"Can I look at the deck?"

I responded as such.


We both got a good laugh out of that and it's honestly one of my favorite magic memories.♤


Elite Member
Sep 13, 2008
That makes sense to me - "I know you moved the coin from that hand to this one, but I don't know how you did it." That kind of thing - it means they see it as a puzzle to figure out.
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Jul 26, 2016
OMG, I woke up in the middle of the night and started worrying about my previous post in which I mentioned parole. I assumed that everyone would realize I was joking, but if there is even one person out there who took it seriously, I want to apologize and set the record straight. It was (or was at least meant to be) a joke!!!
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