What do you think of my Christmas order?

Sep 10, 2007
Co.Dublin in Ireland
Get it all now and save on shipping. Good thinking.

Excuse the egos in this thread Goku

Haha thanks. Oh and by the way I only got one magic package this year so this will be my final one for a year. Many people on the forums order more than this in one year. So getting magic is rare for me and is a big deal.

I know that I need to practice a lot and that is what I am willing to do.

I have 2 parents who recently (a few months now) got a divorce. That is why I get seperate packages. Again I say that my birthday is coming up so I will be adding that to it to save money on shipping. Also the amount that package comes to is 464$ including shipping. That in the excage is 313€, 100 from my dad, 150 from my mom and 50 from my mom as birthday.

Now for myself. I am 15, my main type of magic is card magic. I want my act to be as strong as possible. But the main thing about my magic is that after growing up with my dad (a massive skeptic) I have to make my magic harder to figure out. For example If I come across a trick were it says "dont woory about that they never pay attention to it" then I have to modifie it with the idea that they will pay attention to int in mind. I have to modifie my tricks with the idea that this person is watchin EVERYTHING I do.

By the way thanks Jupiter.
Jan 16, 2008
Congrats on your wealth.
Since you're a card worker, I just wana ask why are you interested in Tarantula? My magician friend tells me that the most useless (unpractical) trick for Tarantula is the Floating Ring, so if you're buying it mainly for that, then it won't be worth the money. If you're buying it for the "come-here-money/pencil/etc", then I think with a bit of thinking and logic, you can figure out how to achieve the same effect yourself, WITHOUT a gimmick.
Please don't underestimate the power of loops and thread themselves. They are like a Doublelift...once you learn them, you can do anything with them.
With your kind of blessing though...I think you can set apart a small sum for the less fortunate. Not saying that you should not spend your money on magic, but the main point is that you should try to get a few, and see if you can think outside the box to achieve the "simpler" effects, instead of buying all of them, and ending up regretting it. Money is a tool, and it doesn't grow on trees.
World Vision Gift Catalogue

Have a wonderful Christmas shopping spree. And remember: Magic is not about quantity, but quality. You can kill them with ONE killer trick, but you can only wound them with a million average effects.

Sep 10, 2007
Co.Dublin in Ireland
I thought these would be killer effects?

Also I was going to get the tarantula for its effects and possibilities I dont JUST do cards.

I get tired of answering these overe and over.
Mar 6, 2008
A Land Down Under
If you really want to make your magic stronger you should work on your performance more, rather than the effects you perform. A few examples;

I personally close almost all my shows with a blindfold routine, nothing too special in methodology. I can see and that is all there is to it.

David Blaine built a lot of his reactions and reputation with very very simple effects.

Uri Geller managed to get a fair percentage of the population to believe he had supernatural powers by simply bending spoons.

The point is give the effects the work they deserve and you will be surprised with the results if you can remove any doubt in their mind.
Sep 10, 2007
Co.Dublin in Ireland
If you really want to make your magic stronger you should work on your performance more, rather than the effects you perform. A few examples;

I personally close almost all my shows with a blindfold routine, nothing too special in methodology. I can see and that is all there is to it.

David Blaine built a lot of his reactions and reputation with very very simple effects.

Uri Geller managed to get a fair percentage of the population to believe he had supernatural powers by simply bending spoons.

The point is give the effects the work they deserve and you will be surprised with the results if you can remove any doubt in their mind.

Yes I already know presentation but imagine strong presentation with strong effects. I am always practicing my presentation. I have Strong Magic by Darwin Ortiz and Maximum Entertainment by Ken Webber. Those books are my map in the world of presentation.
Jan 16, 2008
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the effect only as powerful as the magician?
To me, that's a core belief for my mentalism pieces.

Sep 10, 2007
Co.Dublin in Ireland
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the effect only as powerful as the magician?
To me, that's a core belief for my mentalism pieces.


Imagine these 2 scenarios:

Ok I am good magician (maybe I am the worst magician in the world but in this scenario I am good presentation wise and technique wise). I perform a trick were I turn the top card of the deck face up so they see it then I put it on top of the deck face down, take it of the deck put it in the middle then Turn over the top card and it is their card.

Now I have the same skill but take their card lay it face up in the deck then square up the deck and riffle the cards and amazingly it is face up on the deck.

The second situation gets a better reaction. I do see what you mean, truly. But while the magician is DEFINATELY more important but we cant say that the effect means nothing.
Nov 20, 2007
Sydney, Australia
I wouldn't think that a strong magician, by definition, would have weak effects, no?

I know what you're saying. That's fair enough - the above comment is just playing advocate.

Anyway, you know my feeling, so I won't continue. It is of course your liberty to pick and choose from the advice given, and rightfully so.
Sep 10, 2007
Co.Dublin in Ireland
I wouldn't think that a strong magician, by definition, would have weak effects, no?

I know what you're saying. That's fair enough - the above comment is just playing advocate.

Anyway, you know my feeling, so I won't continue. It is of course your liberty to pick and choose from the advice given, and rightfully so.

To be honest I havent actually gottem much advice in this thread about the products themselves. But thanks for your help.
Nov 20, 2007
Sydney, Australia
You've gotten a fair bit of advice dude... Unless you meant you wanted advice on the actual products?

See, I just thought you meant, what did we think of the list? To which I obviously responded. Did you mean individual product advice?
Oct 11, 2007
Ok buddy, I think you have the right mindset in mind when you say you want effects where they can burn your hands and you still amaze people. I think we all have people like that, and for people to not pay attention to that aspect is hurtful to them as a magician. Seeing poorly executed magic with it easy to figure out is not cool on any standard. I will tell you that i practice hard material but only hard material that pays dividends. Meaning i am strict on what i buy, luckily i make good money and can buy a lot but in the beginning when i was younger i bought everything i saw lol. Which literally was just throw away material. I will tell you the material i use because i feel we have the same style, but differences in age, im 27...as of like 5 days ago lol

Roadrunner cull by Kostya, Yes this is hard, and yes i have been practicing it daily for like a year now. But this helps you in so many hard routines or just invisibly setting up routines in front of peoples faces. TOTALLY a must have if your serious.

I just got High Spots on Vanishing Inc by Caleb Wiles, and its awesome material that you would use, Ideck and replicator are awesome and he has a birthday trick on it as well, that is simple but fooling and with ultra smoke/which i don't have but will be ordering soon just for that effect.

I just got Strong magic because i feel i do hard magic that is visual and appealing, but i am weak in the presentational aspect of magic. So far its phenomenal and made me think of my performances in a new light.

Chris Kenners trick 5 speed is fooling as can be and simple and visual. A simple must have i would say, don't always do it because a little set up, but when i want to knock them in their face, thats the effect.

I enjoy David Stones DVDs, i use some effects on a regular basis of his not everything but when i rewatch them im very much happy to rewatch it and use the tricks occassionally.

Extreme burn isn't cards but an awesome trick you can keep on you all the time, but its expensive to keep on you all the time and at your age might be out of your reach.

Joshua Jay's material is top notch, i personally use cornered which is a bill effect on the norm, and back in time from methods in magic by him, and use partial moves by his Talk about Tricks dvds, Waltzing Cheek to Cheek is a KILLER effect on Penguin, yes you have to keep an extra deck, but its the only extra deck ill carry with me, id rather have that on me then an invisible deck, i personally stay away from the invisible deck because everyone has one and i don't want to be like everyone else. Learn a good cull from Koysta and you can do a prediction in a wallet if you get the real mans wallet on penguin as well.

Ben Earl Past midnight are like invaluable dvds, i don't really use it all the time, but when i rewatch them i definitely go back out and use his material because their hard hitting and when you watch them, Ur going to be fooled buddy and technically hes awesome...

I personally really like Nailed by Jay sankey, simple, you can keep it on you all the time, and personally my favorite transposition effect to date.

Panic is awesome and you can come up with awesome magic with that gimmick which is on T11. as well im a fan of Search and Destroy because its an effect that involves the audience and the reactions are great, simple but it shows where presentation and audience reaction really makes an effect enjoyable to watch.

I am also a fan of Yannick Christiens DVD as well, with a double facer with you he has a great effect thats fun and quick and a great misdirection that will fool your dad i think you said.

Other quick things just to keep on me for fun just to kill time, Redline ...the chapstick trick, i use the star rubberbands effect for kids and girls when i go to a bar, its quick and its something i can give to them, gives me a reason to touch them and work my "magic" lol

Make your magic fun and engaging, i don't perform for money, i personally did it in High School and do it for friends and probably will be competeting at the daytona convention next week, still up in the air, but i just have fun with it, i do hard stuff because its fun to practice and i enjoy it, i do a sandwich effect from the Session Dvd that took place in the UK its a great effect that has numerous effects in it, also 22 Blows to the head has like 2 or 3 effects i like to use for mentalism, but might have even more for you and really has some good ideas, yes there are things on their that truly are just lame, but some good stuff, Hope this helps and if you want to ping me on AIM im jpmorganjeromy and i can help you as much as possible. Let me know buddy and goodluck with everything
Sep 10, 2007
Co.Dublin in Ireland
Ok buddy, I think you have the right mindset in mind when you say you want effects where they can burn your hands and you still amaze people. I think we all have people like that, and for people to not pay attention to that aspect is hurtful to them as a magician. Seeing poorly executed magic with it easy to figure out is not cool on any standard. I will tell you that i practice hard material but only hard material that pays dividends. Meaning i am strict on what i buy, luckily i make good money and can buy a lot but in the beginning when i was younger i bought everything i saw lol. Which literally was just throw away material. I will tell you the material i use because i feel we have the same style, but differences in age, im 27...as of like 5 days ago lol

Roadrunner cull by Kostya, Yes this is hard, and yes i have been practicing it daily for like a year now. But this helps you in so many hard routines or just invisibly setting up routines in front of peoples faces. TOTALLY a must have if your serious.

I just got High Spots on Vanishing Inc by Caleb Wiles, and its awesome material that you would use, Ideck and replicator are awesome and he has a birthday trick on it as well, that is simple but fooling and with ultra smoke/which i don't have but will be ordering soon just for that effect.

I just got Strong magic because i feel i do hard magic that is visual and appealing, but i am weak in the presentational aspect of magic. So far its phenomenal and made me think of my performances in a new light.

Chris Kenners trick 5 speed is fooling as can be and simple and visual. A simple must have i would say, don't always do it because a little set up, but when i want to knock them in their face, thats the effect.

I enjoy David Stones DVDs, i use some effects on a regular basis of his not everything but when i rewatch them im very much happy to rewatch it and use the tricks occassionally.

Extreme burn isn't cards but an awesome trick you can keep on you all the time, but its expensive to keep on you all the time and at your age might be out of your reach.

Joshua Jay's material is top notch, i personally use cornered which is a bill effect on the norm, and back in time from methods in magic by him, and use partial moves by his Talk about Tricks dvds, Waltzing Cheek to Cheek is a KILLER effect on Penguin, yes you have to keep an extra deck, but its the only extra deck ill carry with me, id rather have that on me then an invisible deck, i personally stay away from the invisible deck because everyone has one and i don't want to be like everyone else. Learn a good cull from Koysta and you can do a prediction in a wallet if you get the real mans wallet on penguin as well.

Ben Earl Past midnight are like invaluable dvds, i don't really use it all the time, but when i rewatch them i definitely go back out and use his material because their hard hitting and when you watch them, Ur going to be fooled buddy and technically hes awesome...

I personally really like Nailed by Jay sankey, simple, you can keep it on you all the time, and personally my favorite transposition effect to date.

Panic is awesome and you can come up with awesome magic with that gimmick which is on T11. as well im a fan of Search and Destroy because its an effect that involves the audience and the reactions are great, simple but it shows where presentation and audience reaction really makes an effect enjoyable to watch.

I am also a fan of Yannick Christiens DVD as well, with a double facer with you he has a great effect thats fun and quick and a great misdirection that will fool your dad i think you said.

Other quick things just to keep on me for fun just to kill time, Redline ...the chapstick trick, i use the star rubberbands effect for kids and girls when i go to a bar, its quick and its something i can give to them, gives me a reason to touch them and work my "magic" lol

Make your magic fun and engaging, i don't perform for money, i personally did it in High School and do it for friends and probably will be competeting at the daytona convention next week, still up in the air, but i just have fun with it, i do hard stuff because its fun to practice and i enjoy it, i do a sandwich effect from the Session Dvd that took place in the UK its a great effect that has numerous effects in it, also 22 Blows to the head has like 2 or 3 effects i like to use for mentalism, but might have even more for you and really has some good ideas, yes there are things on their that truly are just lame, but some good stuff, Hope this helps and if you want to ping me on AIM im jpmorganjeromy and i can help you as much as possible. Let me know buddy and goodluck with everything

I am going to look into a few of those things. I have the real secrets of magic and am getting totally out of control I also have Strong magic which is great.

Thanks a lot for your help.
Sep 10, 2007
Co.Dublin in Ireland
I wouldn't think that a strong magician, by definition, would have weak effects, no?

I know what you're saying. That's fair enough - the above comment is just playing advocate.

Anyway, you know my feeling, so I won't continue. It is of course your liberty to pick and choose from the advice given, and rightfully so.

Sorry that was my fault I put up a thread and didnt even make it clear. It was my fault. I am looking for help on the products. Completly my fault. Sorry!! :(
Hey guys I have been thinking about making an order for christmas and was wondering what you guys tought. I am ordering it a bit early to beat the postal strike.

Here is what I think I will get:

Window by David Stone
M5 Dvds Vol 1&2
Tarantula by Yigal Mesika
Spider Spooler x2
Michael Ammar Utility Wax
Art of Magic by Wayne Houchin
Thread by Wayne Houchin
Gecko by Jim Rosenbaum
Double back cards Red/Red
Double back cards Red/Blue
Mini deck Red
Arcane decks Black x3
Arcane decks White x3

Well what do you guys think of it?

Window- While this is very cool, I believe many many people will never actually perform this. Unless you really perform close-up then I would stay away because this will definitely collect dust.

M5 Dvds- If you already have the M5 then go ahead otherwise I would pass. The M5 is kind of impratical for my tastes, the PK ring and other magnets are much more reliable and secure.

Tarantula- Same as window.

Art of Magic- Definitely Recommended for multiple reasons.

Thread- Kind of painful, something I don't perform much for the simple reason that it hurts my eyes and I have contacts.

Gecko- Piece of crap, don't buy it. Noisy, needs specific clothing, and the previews really don't show off the angles.

Decks are fine.

I have purchased everything except the Window gimmick, so I do know what I'm talking about and not just out of my a$%.

Strong Magic, Designing Miracles, Thumptip Encyclopedia, some David Williamson stuff is worth looking at.
Sep 10, 2007
Co.Dublin in Ireland
Window- While this is very cool, I believe many many people will never actually perform this. Unless you really perform close-up then I would stay away because this will definitely collect dust.

M5 Dvds- If you already have the M5 then go ahead otherwise I would pass. The M5 is kind of impratical for my tastes, the PK ring and other magnets are much more reliable and secure.

Tarantula- Same as window.

Art of Magic- Definitely Recommended for multiple reasons.

Thread- Kind of painful, something I don't perform much for the simple reason that it hurts my eyes and I have contacts.

Gecko- Piece of crap, don't buy it. Noisy, needs specific clothing, and the previews really don't show off the angles.

Decks are fine.

I have purchased everything except the Window gimmick, so I do know what I'm talking about and not just out of my a$%.

Strong Magic, Designing Miracles, Thumptip Encyclopedia, some David Williamson stuff is worth looking at.

Thanks for your opinion that is the type of response I have been looking for. I am a little dissapointed but that is a helpfgul response.
Aug 10, 2008
In a rock concert
. I am a little dissapointed but that is a helpfgul response.

Dissapointed for what?:rolleyes:

I think you already received a lot of useful advice, we can't tell you if the tricks suit you or are going to work for you because we simply don't know you. And if you want products answers and what not, there quite a bunch of reviews out there.

About the thing "I constrcut every routine to be so impossible because I need to blow the mind of my dad" I don't know how seriously you take your magic, but you should remember that you must perform for laymen, and your presentation and work must revolve around that, not around fooling your dad.

I said it once and I will say it again, I don't care if you re just going to get magic this time of the year. IT IS STILL TOO MUCH, and I really can't see a consistency there, and by that I mean, I don't know if you already have a character of a style but, have you ever wnder how are you going to present them? Would't it be akward if you did a sandwich trick and then followed up with the tarantula?Think about it, if you are presening yourself as a magician that " well I just can do anything I please" you are going to have problems.

Scratch that and buy a good book and save the other money for later, I don't know if this was mentioned before, but I really suggest" Strong magic".

In my opinion, a effect being powerfull depends almost entirely of you and the emotions, feelings and memories that you can create during performance with the spectator.

Another point, do you actually work as a magician for a a living? If not I really suggest don't investing such money on all those things, who knows? Maybe later down the road you will not like magic that mucha and you will regret buying all that stuff.
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