Why are we clones?


Elite Member
Sep 13, 2008
I really, REALLY resent the fact that people associate the goth sub-culture with a person just because they are wearing a little eye liner, and perhaps have painted fingernails. There's a lot more to being goth than just black eye liner. Talk about stereotyping.

I feel you.
May 10, 2010
I'll look into this topic from the point of view of performing magic. Because I can't really say much in flourishing because I think it's all about your own style of flourishing. Moving on.

Say I learn a new trick by Wayne Houchin for example, and I perform it with the exact same patter as he does, does my audience realize? Not exactly. Do I care then? Yes I still do. Using the same exact patter gives me the impression that I'm replicating myself as someone else, which is not what I want to see myself doing. Instead, when I present the patter I observe.

Is the patter too long? Do my spectators understand what I'm trying to say or do? Is there another way to go about performing this trick, a better way, a more impressive way?

If the original patter is comfortable and it's good to use, then great. I'm all set. But if I see room for improvement? From my observations, I make changes to the original patter, or devise a whole new one altogether. What I'm looking for is a performance that leaves my audience amazed and enjoying what I do. At the same time, this performance must compliment my personality and my character.

Because of certain incidents or traits, there are some patters that appeal to me, and allow me to be comfortable while presenting them because they reflect my character. I think this is the most important thing in my performance. I want people to see my character while I'm performing. Am I a fun-loving magician? Or am I the serious guy who always has the straight face? Presenting the correct patter can allow you to portray and depict the character that you are. If I'm a fun-loving guy, I'd want to include some hmour into my patter to bring up the level of joy between my spectators and myself. Finding a patter that suits you best will greatly enhance your performance, and that is what I always seek to accomplish.
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