Respect me! I have 10293293019 posts!

Jan 9, 2008
I think the number of posts you have acquired here on the forums should be entirely unimportant. I feel as though having them displayed adds to an unnecessary hierarchy that should be abolished. Also, I believe that it in some ways contributes to a problem in many forums, which is the lack of quality postings and threads, because some will want to be as active as possible, posting as many posts as they can in a day, just to raise that number. This detracts from the quality of the forums, with many members thinking that they need to break a thousand posts to get respect.

We all want some recognition, and bully for those who have thousands of posts, but that unconscious strive for recognition also adds to that "look at me" quality that spectators hate so much in magicians. If we could eliminate that status, I think we could add to the overall equality that as a forum we want and add to the overall quality of posts and threads here at theory11.

Now, this coming from me, who, last time I checked only had ~200 posts or something, you might say, "what a n00b!" well, that mindset is exactly the one that I wish would be less apparent in these forums. The number of posts you've posted has no correlation with the quality of your input.

Obviously, it doesn't matter how many posts whoever has acquired; that doesn't make him/her more of an expert or more advanced, or an authority in any way. All it means is that whoever has been very active. I understand the mindset of "respect me, I'm here everyday" but I also think that if we stepped away from our egos we could step toward an advancement in the forums, and indirectly, our art.

What do you think?

Jul 14, 2008
I strongly agreed with you. It's not a popularity contest to see which one has the most posts. Our job is to help them and guide them in magic journey, giving a strong criticism, but we also become better performers than we were before.

Lyle Borders

Elite Member
Aug 5, 2008
Seattle, WA
Post counts, of course are not for that purpose (though the less intelligent of us might argue that.) They exist for a real and appropriate purpose. If I see someone with 2k posts, I know that they have been around these forums for a while and likely have a working knowledge of the things that happen here (artists, products, events, contests, rules, etc.) Those who only have two posts are obviously new here (or pretending for some incomprehensible reason) and are not going to have the above knowledge. Who am I going to ask when I have a question about a T11 product? If I post the question in the forums, who am I more inclined to listen to?

Yes, many people with two posts have much more experience than those people here whose only experience in magic is filming youtube videos and posting them here, racking up thousands of posts, but as a general rule you can see why the post counts exist still.



forum moderator / t11
Elite Member
Sep 14, 2008
Louisville, OH
Tough call guys. Personally I could care less how many posts someone has but if you come on here enough and listen to people and their advice, I would say that for the most part you can figure it out on your own, who knows their stuff.

It only took me about a week to figure out that guys like chopper, morg, draven, shane black and a few others were the ones to listen to because they had solid advice.

Now, that is not saying that I do not listen to what others have to say because there could be a noob that just got on here and has two posts, but he or she may give me a tidbit of info that I didn't know yet.

Theory11 could get rid of the post count and it wouldn't affect me either way. So I would say I am neutral in this matter.
Depends, i have just under 1k posts and i feel that i am contributing and doing something for the community. Though, im not asking for any respect concerning my post count, its rather what i post which im concerned with.

Nov 7, 2009
I honestly dont care less on how many posts I have. Im here pretty much everday but that shouldnt change about how people think about me.
Hey, for the most part (outside of this post). I usually just post to help people out, if they ask a question, and I have some knowledge in that field Ill reply, which is why my post count is so low. I try and stay out of the needless threads. But I agree with most points made in this thread.
You may only have 220 post here but you might have 1000 somewhere else I don't look at post count to measure the intelligence of someones input I make a judgement on the content you provide plain and simple. If you have one post and you past judgement on other members and make assumptions I wouldn't listen to you due to the fact you may not know them the way I do but as far as experience in magic there's no comparison.

PS. Oh look at my 1200 post just proves I spend too much time on the computer, being on the road takes it toll on you. lol

Jan 9, 2008
The sum of ones post count is equally porportionate to the total amount of ones bragging rights.

haha exactly, which is why I think that they are unnecessary- bragging rights don't do anyone any good.

Post counts, of course are not for that purpose (though the less intelligent of us might argue that.)

You, sir, just insulted my intelligence

They exist for a real and appropriate purpose. If I see someone with 2k posts, I know that they have been around these forums for a while and likely have a working knowledge of the things that happen here (artists, products, events, contests, rules, etc.) Those who only have two posts are obviously new here (or pretending for some incomprehensible reason) and are not going to have the above knowledge. Who am I going to ask when I have a question about a T11 product? If I post the question in the forums, who am I more inclined to listen to?

Which is exactly something that I think isn't necessary- If someone can answer your question, who cares who it comes from? If people don't know the answer to your question, they wont answer (because of no need to raise their post count) and if they do, you wont listen to them because you'll be able to tell that they don't have any knowledge or are inexperienced Once you realize that, you can, instead of generalizing everyone with a lesser amount of posts, you can learn from experience whom you think are good contributors by what posts they make.

as a general rule you can see why the post counts exist still.


Aug 10, 2008
In a rock concert
haha exactly, which is why I think that they are unnecessary- bragging rights don't do anyone any good.

Dude, Lyle pretty much answered your question, I don't know what you are mad about, It's been a while since I have read someone who was with the atittude of "yeah I have a high post count, so I rule".

If there is anyone with this attitude, feel free to point the finger.

On a side note, I have learned tons from people with high post counts, having a high post count doesnt necessarily imply that they post in every thread they see, au contraire, people with a high post count like morgician, Draven, Steerpike, visual artist or Praetoritevong, are people that have a high post count because they actively participate in threads debating social dinamics or magic theory, if you dont believe me, feel free to search.

I don't know why are we making a big deal out of it, you control your life, just take the advice from the people you want.

PS::// And yes I have a high post count :p.
Jan 9, 2008
Dude, Lyle pretty much answered your question, I don't know what you are mad about, It's been a while since I have read someone who was with the atittude of "yeah I have a high post count, so I rule".

f there is anyone with this attitude, feel free to point the finger.

yeah that's true, it's not necessarily that there is an attitude about that's like that- you misunderstand the purpose of the post- I believe that any ranking system that does not directly correlate with quality of posts or expertise is unnecessary and takes away from this community in ways that might be only sleight, but apparent.

On a side note, I have learned tons from people with high post counts, having a high post count doesnt necessarily imply that they post in every thread they see, au contraire, people with a high post count like morgician, Draven, Steerpike, visual artist or Praetoritevong, are people that have a high post count because they actively participate in threads debating social dinamics or magic theory, if you dont believe me, feel free to search.

Yes, I'm sure you have, but would you have learned less from them had they not had that post count next to their name? My point is this: People with expertise and experience, who contribute quality posts and threads, those who raise the bar in the level of discussion that is on this forum, will not be any lesser without that tally.

Perhaps the thread title offended you, "post count hierarchy- unnecessary?" might have been a better choice. apologies.

Sep 20, 2008
A minute amount of my post count are actually quality posts. Its slightly ridiculous.

Anyways, it doesnt really matter to me.
Sep 3, 2007
The sum of ones post count is equally porportionate to the total amount of ones bragging rights.

You have to be kidding me Bill. You're saying that he who writes well must know more than us. Also, that post count means ****!

[edited] except for you of course. I thought you were leaving the forums?
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