Magic in classroom ! Help !

Jul 13, 2009
Edmonton, Canada
Well i usually do card magic in class (after class when the teacher is done teaching) but today the teacher told that he doesn't wanna my deck anymore :( .... maybe because i performed too much. So do you know any dvd that will allow me to do magic with everyday objects ?

(This may be the wrong category to post in but it's card related and i'm more of a card guy so i decided to post in here)
Jun 1, 2009
symphony has some good non card material-three effects acutally. so do the Daniel Garcia projects. Coin magic is a good route, I dont own any coin material, but plenty of other people on here do and would be happy to help im sure.

EDIT: X-finger is really good too, all you need is a pen and your good to go.
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Dec 13, 2007
North Hollywood
some good effects you can do without a deck are

Pressure (Daniel Garcia)
Fraud (Daniel Garcia)
Any kind of Coin bend, or coin magic in general
Thread (wayne Houchin)
Devils Touch (Daniel Madison)

Jay sankey has a entire DVD focusing on magic with everyday objects, although I personally do not like it. Its something you can check out
I perform the above effects a lot and they get KILLER reactions with the right presentation.
GOod Luck
if you have any more questions PM me =]

Sep 2, 2007
just do a strike change cause you'll always have a pen or pencil. it will be like a golf swing, you'll know when you get it right because it will look amazing
Jul 14, 2008
how about doing magic outside of class. and work on your school work in class.

I agreed with him. In my high school, they don't allow me to perform in classroom even though they are finished with teaching. It's better if you do at lunch or outside of class.
Man dont listen to them. Perform everywhere and anywhere you can. Do some coin stuff. If you arent familiar with coin stuff go to penguin and get the in the beginning there were coins dvd. Teaches great sleights that you can make your own routine. Make up your own stuff with rings and stuff. Most of the time someone will have a ring. GEt a PTD and do some stuff with that. Pick up some spounge balls. I mean i do most of my magic out of school and for parties and on the street but when i do perform in school i make stuff up on the spot.
save the magic for the lunch room or in the hall, but when you are in class keep it in your pants. its rude for people who are trying to learn and disrespectful to the teacher.
when i was in highschool i would play with cards in class. i got in trouble more than once, and my grade showed it. as i look back it wasnt even worth all the trouble trying to hide cards under the desk and what not. there is a time and place for everything. and the classroom isnt a place to perform or play around with cards.
maybe you'll understand when you get out of school.
Oct 17, 2007
Aussie NSW
I think the reason the teacher doesnt want you to have the deck out is because its a distraction as alot of people here i believe have already mentioned im sure the teacher has nothing against cards in general.

I'm lucky my teachers thoroughly enjoy watching my magic though i need to finish the work which of course should come first but i still think its valuable to learn an array of effects incase you dont have your cards on you in the first place.

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