Saturday Night Contest: Le Sequence


theory11 artist
Sep 3, 2007
United States

Tonight, we're gonna take things nice and easy. Last week was a real challenge, and a LOT of you stepped up to the plate and took it on full force. It was a blast watching all of your videos! So with that said, let’s make tonight’s contest fun, and easy!

If you can follow a specific sequence, you will have a GREAT chance of winning tonight. What do I mean? Grab a deck of cards, and I’ll tell you how:

Step 1: Place your deck in new deck order, taking out all Jokers, ad cards, and any extras. (52 cards total) THEN, with the cards facedown, take out a random card and place it to the side. You should now have 51 cards in the deck, and a facedown card off to the side.
Step 2: Cut the (51 card) deck approximately in half, and complete the cut.
Step 3: Perform 3 consecutive overhand shuffles.
Step 4: Execute 2 riffle shuffles.
Step 5: Cut the deck one last time, and complete the cut.
Step 6: Take the top card and place it to the side with the card you took out in the beginning.
Step 7: Post the identity of the two cards to this thread.

That’s it! After 11:00pm EST, I will execute this exact sequence, and post my two cards. Whoever comes closest to the same two cards I pull out will be the winner! One guess per member tonight, so make it count! Your guess should look like this:

The first card Michael pulled out was the eight of spade, and the second card he pulled out was the Jack of hearts.

If you do not have a deck nearby, you can always just guess two random cards. Winner will take home a 6 pack of ANY in-stock deck available in our store.

Good luck!


Joseph C

King of Diamonds
Six of Clubs.

Did I win? Edit: Oh - you're going to do it too. I see.....


Elite Member
Mar 3, 2012
The first card Michael pulled out was the three of hearts (3♥), and the second card he pulled out was the three of clubs (3♣)
Last edited by a moderator:
Dec 28, 2011
The first card Michael pulled out was the six (6) of diamonds, and the second card he pulled out was the two (2) of hearts

Pete Pridanonda

Elite Member
Jun 13, 2009
The first card Michael pulled out was the eight of hearts, and the second card he pulled out was the three of diamonds.


May 1, 2010
The first card Michael pulled out was the nine of diamonds, and the second card he pulled out was the seven of hearts.
Jul 9, 2011
The first card Michael pulled out was the 10 of spades, and the second card he pulled out was the 10 of clubs
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