Anyone Ever Felt Like a Loser?

Oct 6, 2007
Hye Guys,

So has anyone not wanted to perform magic to the 'cooler' or more popular kids in school because it is a 'sad' hobby, or you dont want people to think that you swpend all day long with cards and have no friends?

Sometimes i get that feeling, so ive neveer performed to the 'cool' or 'popular' people in school.
Oct 6, 2007
I always perform magic for my friends and some others , popular or not, but they don't seem to mind idk the kids at my school are like....odd they like you for who u are so i have no problem sharing magic and looking like a loser. ahaha thats just me and my school


No need to feel like a loser. Just start showing your tricks to your friends and soon the word will spread. Start small and end big.
Why should magic make you uncool?

Perhaps you may want to change the image you give off, if you lack confidence, people will notice and act upon that. If you have a good attitude its going to help alot.

There is the nerdy kid in glasses with his shirt tucked into his jeans, and there is the cool kind of magician.

Its up to you what you want to be! Just because you choose a professional or hobby, shouldnt mean you are instantly labelled!

Sep 1, 2007
Hey magic makes everyone cool, when you amaze the ''popular'' people you will be scared and it will be embarrasing at first, because they may laugh, but when you hit the nail they will be OMFG and they are going to call a
everybody, and you'll be way cooler than them :D


Oct 21, 2007
I agree with the above post. Start off by showing your friends. Then show a few people that you are friendly with. Sooner or later, word will get out that you can blow peoples minds.

But eventually you'll have to put yourself out there.

Obviously if you lack confidence walking up to anyone and pulling out a deck of cards is awkward, hell it's sometimes awkward for me and I'd like to think I'm a pretty confident degrees and sweet beards do that to you.

But at first people will think it's lame, or strange. Until you start to show them it's legit. After that, they'll constantly ask "do you have your cards?" or "got anything new?"

Just remember the more you perform the more confident you will become. You'll get past the shaky hands stage, and start to develop a personal patter that you use when performing, and even when you slip up and flash something you'll be the only one who notices because they're to busy freaking out.

And one last thing that might make it all a little easier for you. When you graduate high school, the cool kids will no longer be the cool kids, because no one cares about how awesome you were in high school, they care about how awesome you are now. And magic is something you'll be able to take with you forever, unlike how "cool" you were in high school.
Oct 6, 2007
Thanks so much guys, especailly Zac and the guy aboe him (sorry). You really helped me to understand how to approach them (if i ever do), but id much prefer to perform to people that i WANT to perform to.

Thanks alot, raelly opened up my mind


Elite Member
Oct 14, 2007
Honestly.....who cares who thinks your cool? As long as you think you're cool, that's all that matters. Now, don't look at that and think of the conceited type of's not what I mean. I mean, pick good friends, friends who care about you for YOU, not about what you have, or who you know, or what you can give them.....those people are losers.

Do magic for a few people, preferrably friends. Make sure you show them something you do that you are 100% completely confident with. Never walk around saying "hey, wanna see a trick"...cause most times people will give you the :S face.

Like today, in one of my lectures, my prof came in after break, I showed her the Invisible Deck, and she immediately announced to the class that everyone had to see this card trick I did because most tricks she saw were mathematical, and this just blew her away. This instantly put me on the spot, but it was all good. I made a few new friends in class today.

Speaking of class, need to get off these forums and get to my next one :$
Sep 9, 2007
All I'm going to say is if you do magic, do it for you.

Do it because you enjoy it, not because you want to be cool. When that's the case, you won't care what other people think.
Sep 1, 2007
Also, I've come to the realization that pretty much everyone enjoys magic. I would go as far to say that if you were worried about being "cool," magic sure wouldn't hurt and may actually help that. But like everyone said, start out performing for people you are comfortable with, and soon others will hear about it.
Oct 21, 2007
dont do it for the cool kids just do it for strangers and when the cool kids walk up to you and say "hay i herd you do magic wanna show me some" do it. blow thier dont have to walk up to them some times you have to let them walk up to you :)


Elite Member
Sep 2, 2007
Orlando, FL
It doesn't matter who you perform for or what tricks you do. What really matters is how you make them feel at the end of your performance. Don't worry about people thinking you're a loser, because if your performance made them feel good at the end, then that's all that really matters in the end. If you want to go ahead and perform for the "popular crowd", then by all means go for it. Plus it'll show that you're confident not only in your performance, but as a person too. Everyone likes confidence and confidence is key!
Nov 30, 2007
Midlands, England
I wouldn't so much say I've felt like a 'loser' at all. Thing is, I don't like being pressured into performing magic. With tricks like the Two Card Monte, This N That, blah blah (basic magic tricks that require no gimmicks - perfect for school), they require a setup. If someone comes up to me (which alot of people do - I can be seen doing XCM at lunch sometimes) and asks for a trick, I don't feel it's right to say, "Ok, just gimme a minute, I need to setup". I feel it takes away the magical factor.
I prefer going up to other people and performing when I'm ready. I know that I'm gonna have to get used to performing on demand. Any tips? :)


~The Emogician~


Oct 21, 2007
It doesn't matter who you perform for or what tricks you do. What really matters is how you make them feel at the end of your performance.

I agree totally, don't make every trick seem like your showing off. Perform tricks that let the audience participate and be the magician. In the end your audience will know you're just being nice when you say things like "that was all you, I didn't do anything." But they'll still appreciate your attempt to be humble.
Sep 2, 2007
If you show yourself vulnerable, you'll be picked on.

You're the one deciding when you want to perform. If someone comes up and asks you to show something, only do if you feel like it, never let them be entirely in charge. Bugging people to watch your magic can be bad as well though, if you act like a Blainiac; just walking up to random people asking them to watch your tricks, you'll be no more than "the magic-guy". Try to have magic as something you do, not something you are.

As for getting it out there, I think a good opportunity for showing what you do is when someone asks what interests you have, if you say you do magic, they'll most likely ask you to show them something. Then it's them asking to you see, not you asking them to watch. From there, the rumors will most likely spread without you doing anything. Just don't become a victim. It becomes geeky when you take yourself too seriously.

It comes down a lot to personal preference though, I prefer showing over telling. In my opinion, the word "magic" makes people generalize and maked them think I do something that I don't. I don't carry a magic-wand and a black-hat, neither do I play with Tenyo-tricks or plastic cups and balls.
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