
  1. B

    Envelope switch?

    I was wondering what the best options are for switching 3 envelopes for different envelopes? Thanks everyone!
  2. J

    WHat is the best deck for sleight of hand and magic?

    I want to get a deck that's durable and is good for sleight of hand intensive tricks. Any suggestions?
  3. cardistry.exe

    This is the BEST deck for cardistry & magic.

    Hello there, I just made a video about in my opinion one of the best deck of cards. Enjoy!
  4. HopMan3000

    Best Tricks Under $10

    Hello, I was wondering what y’all think the top 5 downloads are on T11 for under ten bucks, preferably card but any work. Thanks. Hopson :)
  5. I

    Venom vs Spider Pen Pro vs Tarantula 2

    Basically the title says it all. So I recently purchased the Venom and it should be coming in a couple days. I just want to know before I open it if it really is the best of the three. Brand new to thread stuff so any opinion or advice is much appreciated. Is it possible with the...
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