Came across Shin Lim doing this double fan. Looks like he is springing the cards from a faro shuffle, then using his thumb and and pointer finger to hold the cards like a rifle fan. I've never witnessed this move anywhere. My jaw on the floor. Here is the link...
Hello! I am newer to the flourishing community, well I'm nit really apart of it as I can't flourish that well, . But I have been practicing magic and that lead me to create a new concept on the pass (a card from one hand to another). I have smaller hands and tried the thumb pass (as shown by...
No, not the international symbol of badassery referred to by mortal men as "sunglasses", I mean the almost as badass Aviator Playing Cards first introduced to the public in 1927 (can't wait for that 100-year anniversary).
I've spent 9 years doing magic, mostly card magic, and have only ever...