
  1. J

    Card through Sword

    I was recently hired to perform at a Renaissance fair and I am in the process of writing my routine. I am wanting to do a card sword trick but I don’t have the gimmicked sword and the show is too soon to order one. Does anyone know any card sword routines that do not need a gimmicked sword, or...
  2. thematthoward

    Printing on flash paper (advice/methods)

    Hey everybody! Looking to make some custom flash paper gimmicks. Saw Justin Flom do a trick where he had a packet of sweet and low that was made from flash paper and then the sugar appeared inside a dollar bill. I know how to do all of that but haven’t had any experience making custom items out...
  3. thematthoward

    Making quarter gimmicks. (Advice or methods)

    Looking to make my own quarter gimmicks bent quarters and split quarters. Want to be able to leave my spectator with an impossible object to making them myself seems much more budget friendly. Rather than bending and restoring.
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