Any coins across routines out there?

Hey guys...I'm looking to do some research on an 'in the hands' coins across routine I've been working on. It uses 6 regular half dollars, and I think it's pretty strong. Anyways, just wondering of some other coins across routines that might be out there that are similar. I'm not looking to sell this or anything (really...nothing ground-breaking lol), just trying to improve on it some.

I also came up with this new move/sleight/hold-out a few weeks ago that I showed to Justin Miller...he said he hasn't seen anything similar to it. I'm sure my routine is different, just trying to find out how different.

Any help you all can provide would be awesome!

Sep 1, 2007
Would have to hear more about how the effect looks to a spectator....

There are MANY coins across and coins through table routines (which are just jazzy coins across routines with a table in the middle) in print that use 6 coins, 6 coins and a ring, 6 coins and a special coin, etc.

What does yours look like to a spectator?

Mar 4, 2008
6 coins is a lot! I always felt that even the classic 4 coins across was over kill and becomes boring after the second one goes. That's why when I do coins across, I only use three coins and it's all done in the hands.
I guess I should explain better...

The plot I use is more along the lines of a cards across. I give both spectators 3 coins, then one has 4 coins, the other has 2. I give one spectator 2 coins, the other 4. A bit of magic, then one spec has 5, the other has one. Finally, the last one you 'see' go kinda, when I hold both coins in one hand and one disappears.

Hope it's a bit more clear now. :)
Fo Shizzle

there are several coin routines in print utilzing six coins or so. Check out Winged Silver in JB Bobo's Modern Coin Magic. Also check out Slydini's Coins through Table (as coins through table is still a coins across).

You raise an interesting idea when you state that you want coins to appear and vanish in spectators hands. I played w/ the idea of getting coins to vanish out of one spectators hand and arrive in another spectators hand in my effect Impossible Coins Across from my lecture notes. I think it's worth your consideration as well.

Thanks for the help. Is this effect in Fingertips Pt. 1? I might have to go through that later then for reference. Also, I'll have to go pick up a copy of Bobo's...probably one of the few 'classics' that I don't own, lol. Thanks again...I'm sure I'll talk to you shortly.

Thanks to everyone!

Those are the exact kinds of routines I'm trying to avoid...I'm not a big fan of magic that doesn't include the spectator in some form or another. That's why my coins across routine is so 'in the hands' and the spectators (2) do the magic. :)

Thank you though,
That doesn't mean you cant get inspiration from them.... alot of the moves can be transitioned. Keep your mind open.

I see what you're saying, but the moves in those sorts of routines are visual moves. My coins across routine isn't so much 'visual', as it is impossible. I did this a few times at the restaurant last night both the staff and a couple tables. Even when I flashed once, the routine still went over exceptionally well.

Every time a coin 'jumps hands' from one spec to another, there are 2 phases of magic. Last night I flashed on one phase, but then when I had the girl open her hand and she only had 2 coins left, she freaked out and it over-shadowed my mistake and they just let the magic happen. I guess that's why I like this so much...a lot of magic in a short period of time, happens in THEIR hands, and seems that much more impossible.

I'll keep on keepin' on though, and see what else is out there. Thanks again though!


P.S. I have Kenner's 3 Fly routine in the Magic Man Examiner, FWIW.
Jan 1, 2009
Back in Time
Well you could do Bill Malones "Keeping my money safe sandy." it does use gimmick but the gimmicks are examinable. There is also Garret Thomas's Imagination coins.
Jul 8, 2008
I would reccomend you take a look at either Bobo's classic winged silver, or pick up a copy of The NEw York COin Magic Seminar disk 7. Mike Gallo does an effect that is unnecessarily gimmicked and uses 6 silver dollars and a chinese coin. Might be worth to take a look at. It will probably give you some ideas. Also, the Curtis Kam effect that was in his Dangerous Notions lecture notes as well as his DVD Cashablanca. There is something in there that will spark something I'm sure. Good luck with it!
Jan 1, 2009
Back in Time
Worlds Greatest Magic: Coins Across has a lot of different coins across stuff.

Mike Ammars Incredible Coins has 3 coins vanish from your hand and appear in the spectators.
May 24, 2008
I would take a look at "The Flying Eagles" in Bobo's. it is a six coins across routine. I am sure that with some practice and thought, you can modify it to work well with spectator participation.
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