Back to performing and Sometimes Confused

Apr 11, 2017
Hey everyone, it’s been years since I last practiced and performed magic, but I’m finally getting back into the right mindset and finding inspiration again. For those of you who do on-the-spot close-up magic, what are your strategies for having signature tricks ready to go? Sometimes, when someone asks me to perform a trick on the spot, I freeze up and struggle to come up with something. Any tips on how to avoid this and be more prepared?
Nov 21, 2022
Hey Jacob!
Glad you've decided to come back to magic! I have been in that same situation before and the best advice I can give is this: always have a trick ready. Decide on a few effects beforehand to be your go-to tricks when asked to perform. These must be tricks you've practiced and rehearsed many times over and can do almost effortlessly. For example, I usually go into an Ambitious Card routine or Svenpad style trick. That way, when asked to perform on the spot, you know exactly what to show them. If you have any more questions, let me know! Good luck!
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