I really HATE that label (nothing against you
@Timewise64, just whoever coined that phrase). First, it suggests that the magician has nothing to do with the magic. Nothing could be further than the truth. Magic that doesn't involve sleight of hand involves just as much in presentation as any other magic. Second, the finger flicking folks who frolic with flourishes and sleight of hand seem to think just because something that doesn't involve sleight of hand it can't be good magic. Wrong. Roberto Giobbi has a great introduction to card tricks that don't involve sleight of hand in his Card College Light.
Wait, so I didn't need to get the ohter 147 books in m library?
They are all good books, especially for the price. However, Giobbi's Card College Series (both books 1 through 5 and Light, Lighter and Lightest) are excellent and cover so much more. Also, Expert at the Card Table is not a beginner book and is not a book that is easy to learn from (although the annotated editions are great).
There are a lot of great books on cards out there. I love stuff by Bannon, Gusteferro, Stone, Lavand, Tamaritz, DaOrtiz, Aragon, Harris, Acer, Krenzel, Jennings, Vernon, Fulves, Ascanio, Dobson and, oh yeah, Steinmeyer.