Best tools for beginners?

May 14, 2008
Ive got cards and some poor, and some good, tutorials on youtube.
Ive seen alot of dvds and videos on this site but have you got any reccomendations for tricks and Flourishing because i do not know where to start?

Thanks for your time :)
May 5, 2008
May I also suggest, books. "Bobo's modern coin magic", and "expert at the card table" are incredible resources for both the beginner and the advanced pro.


ps. stay away from youtbe tutorials... its kind of a "no no" and looked down on. You'll find a few threads on why around here.

Welcome to the magic world and T11.
Nov 15, 2007
Raleigh, NC
Royal Road to Card magic is also good starting point.
and I second The Expert at the Card Table suggestion.

I'm not sure how new you are to cards but there are two 1-on-1's by Aaron Fisher. Card Fundamentals:Volume one and two. They might be of interest if you're just getting into magic.

Hope that helps.
Sep 1, 2007
Houston TX
ok expert at the card table is for gambling and stuff of that matter
there are some good moves there but start with the basics of card magic

royal road to card magic is really good
and the card college series is very good (lots more info there)

the other best way to start practicing is (as lee asher said i believe) just learn three good tricks and practice them (and perform them when they look good)

and just practice your dexterity (way you handle cards)
i have not seen them but Aaron Fisher's card fundamental 1on1s i heard are really good, you should check those out too.

Hope this helps!:D
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