Black Backed Tally's

Should T11 sale Black backed Tally's

  • Yep

    Votes: 36 83.7%
  • Nope

    Votes: 7 16.3%

  • Total voters
May 31, 2008
If you want black-backed Tallys you can just buy them somewhere else. Yeah, it would be cool it theory11 carried them (they have cheap regular Tallys) but they're only like five bucks at Penguin Magic.
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SVP, theory11
Team member
Aug 5, 2007

There's absolutely no need for the negativity in some of your posts. THE BLACK MAGI was making a simple suggestion - and asking if any others agreed.

That said, I've removed a few posts from the thread that I thought were simply not needed. I'll move this to the Product Questions forum (where, truthfully, it belongs) and the discussion can continue there.

Thanks guys.
*facepalm* what was wrong with my post? Well, anyway, let's try again...There isn't any need for this thread and if Theory11 wants to stock black Tallys, they will do so on their own, in their own time. Meanwhile, this thread is simply cluttering up these forums, burying other threads that actually serve a purpose.
Aug 10, 2008
In a rock concert
*facepalm* what was wrong with my post? Well, anyway, let's try again...There isn't any need for this thread and if Theory11 wants to stock black Tallys, they will do so on their own, in their own time. Meanwhile, this thread is simply cluttering up these forums, burying other threads that actually serve a purpose.


I was going to post another bashful comment but Im satisfied with Demon's reply :)
Nov 30, 2007
Midlands, England
The negativity's about as necessary as you think this thread is.

By posting here you're only bumping this thread back up to the top, and "burying threads that serve a purpose" yourself. There's no sense in bashing him at all, in fact, there's too damn much of it on these forums, and it's needless.

The negativity's about as necessary as you think this thread is.

By posting here you're only bumping this thread back up to the top, and "burying threads that serve a purpose" yourself. There's no sense in bashing him at all, in fact, there's too damn much of it on these forums, and it's needless.


Negativity is in no way a bad thing, I'm not going to sugar-coat my opinions for the sake of the posters feelings. And I am "Bashing" this guy just about as much as you are "Bashing" me. there is a big difference between bashing and negativity, please explain how I was doing the latter.

Deleted member 2755

Thought I'd chime in here. THE BLACK MAGI only wanted to make this thread because he enjoys black Tally's. T11 listened the first time when people asked for fan backs. A user made a thread just like this one and now we have fan backed Tally's. (Personally, I think people are insane for liking fan backs over circle backs, but that's just me.) Anyway, there is no need for the bashing. As stated, you only contribute to the negativity by posting negatively. If you don't wanna comment, don't comment. Simply ignore the thread and go post in another one. Don't fuel the fire.

Anyway, I'll say my views on the subject that this thread was meant to be about.... NO NO NO! DO NOT SELL UGLY CARDS! RED/BLUE = AWESOME Black = THROW UP IN MY MOUTH!

That is all.

May 9, 2008
I would like to see black-backed tally-ho playing cards here at theory11, but there available elsewhere. You've got vipers from ellusionist, which are awesome IMO.

Demon, companies simply do not start carrying products "on their own, if they want to" without there being a known demand. This wasn't a useless thread to some people, as it is serving a purpose. It's meant to bring to light other peoples interest in having theory11 carry black-backed tallies, showing there is (or isn't) a demand in the cards. How is that useless? They'll only "want to" carry a product if they know it's going to sell. How do they know if it's going to sell? Members of the community tell them. You're deluded.

It's not cluttering up the boards. The boards are very well laid out to accomodate all types of threads. There's several pages of threads all very well maintained which can be accessed by *gasp* hitting page 2,3,4, ect. You're deluded.

And YES, negativity IS a bad thing. Again, you're deluded.

I hope you meant there is a different between constructive critism and bashing.
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Nov 30, 2007
Midlands, England
Negativity is in no way a bad thing, I'm not going to sugar-coat my opinions for the sake of the posters feelings. And I am "Bashing" this guy just about as much as you are "Bashing" me. there is a big difference between bashing and negativity, please explain how I was doing the latter.

Bam, contradiction.

Yeah, there's a difference between negativity and 'bashing' (which is why I don't understand why you think I am 'bashing' you). However, difference is drawn thinner when the negativity is pointless and done for the sake of an ego trip. Explain, please, why this thread (before we ****ed it up) was a waste of space?

Reply to me through PM, if you feel the need to reply at all.

Jun 7, 2008
DC area
Thought I'd chime in here. THE BLACK MAGI only wanted to make this thread because he enjoys black Tally's. T11 listened the first time when people asked for fan backs. A user made a thread just like this one and now we have fan backed Tally's. (Personally, I think people are insane for liking fan backs over circle backs, but that's just me.) Anyway, there is no need for the bashing. As stated, you only contribute to the negativity by posting negatively. If you don't wanna comment, don't comment. Simply ignore the thread and go post in another one. Don't fuel the fire.

Anyway, I'll say my views on the subject that this thread was meant to be about.... NO NO NO! DO NOT SELL UGLY CARDS! RED/BLUE = AWESOME Black = THROW UP IN MY MOUTH!

That is all.


I like back sometimes, but I've had the black tally-ho deck and the blue deck in the correct light look almost exactly the same.
Dec 30, 2008
Not allowed! :mad:

Fer cereal though, it would be cool but I think they can do whatever they want. :D
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