In what world is a pass a fairly basic move?
I do agree that learning a tilt is a good idea, but I would add that sometimes all it takes is to add a convincer, subtlety, or even a psychological aspect to a move/control. Aim to create offbeat moments for your dirty work and it will fly right by. I learned this by watching Tommy Wonder's amazing ACR.
Example: I sometimes actually put the card in the middle of the deck from the back part as if doing a tilt, but not actually doing it. I wait a bit. Then I take it out and show the card to them and joke around saying "no really, this is your card, and it is in the middle!"
The second time I put it back in the middle, I am already doing the tilt/depth illusion move. This works because I have all the time in the world to "get ready" for the move since they relax for a second, plus they are conditioned to think that the second time must have also been clean even though I actually took the card out and didn't show them how I inserted it the second time.