Card Controls

Aug 23, 2018
I’m tired of always using the same controls and forces, because I feel that eventually lay people will pick up on what I’m doing. Does anyone have any better controls, forces or anything? I mainly use the riddle force, overhand shuffle control and simple moves like that. I’m more than happy to put in work for any harder moves you know


Elite Member
Nov 4, 2014
Orange County, Ca
I’m tired of always using the same controls and forces, because I feel that eventually lay people will pick up on what I’m doing. Does anyone have any better controls, forces or anything? I mainly use the riddle force, overhand shuffle control and simple moves like that. I’m more than happy to put in work for any harder moves you know

-Double Undercut
-Top Change
-Depth Illusion / Tilt
-Convincing Control

All fairly basic moves. Some will require a ton of practice to make look seemless however they are a good arsenal of moves to have in your pocket. Most if the moves above can be modified to control cards to the bottom as well.
Aug 23, 2018
-Double Undercut
-Top Change
-Depth Illusion / Tilt
-Convincing Control

All fairly basic moves. Some will require a ton of practice to make look seemless however they are a good arsenal of moves to have in your pocket. Most if the moves above can be modified to control cards to the bottom as well.
Thanks very much. Was having a complete mind block trying to think of controls, so i appreciate the help.
Mar 15, 2018
I mainly use the riddle force, overhand shuffle control and simple moves like that. I’m more than happy to put in work for any harder moves you know
The riddle force? Is that a typo - do you mean the riffle force?

The Hindu Force (requires the Hindu Shuffle) is definitely worth adding to your repertoire.
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Aug 1, 2008

...All fairly basic moves...

In what world is a pass a fairly basic move?

I do agree that learning a tilt is a good idea, but I would add that sometimes all it takes is to add a convincer, subtlety, or even a psychological aspect to a move/control. Aim to create offbeat moments for your dirty work and it will fly right by. I learned this by watching Tommy Wonder's amazing ACR.

Example: I sometimes actually put the card in the middle of the deck from the back part as if doing a tilt, but not actually doing it. I wait a bit. Then I take it out and show the card to them and joke around saying "no really, this is your card, and it is in the middle!"

The second time I put it back in the middle, I am already doing the tilt/depth illusion move. This works because I have all the time in the world to "get ready" for the move since they relax for a second, plus they are conditioned to think that the second time must have also been clean even though I actually took the card out and didn't show them how I inserted it the second time.
Aug 23, 2018
The riddle force? Is that a typo - do you mean the riffle force?

The Hindu Force (requires the Hindu Shuffle) is definitely worth adding to your repertoire.
Yeah the riddle force was a typo. I posted the question on my phone so id say that it was autocorrect. The hindu force is a good idea. one more to practice. thx
Aug 23, 2018
In what world is a pass a fairly basic move?

I do agree that learning a tilt is a good idea, but I would add that sometimes all it takes is to add a convincer, subtlety, or even a psychological aspect to a move/control. Aim to create offbeat moments for your dirty work and it will fly right by. I learned this by watching Tommy Wonder's amazing ACR.

Example: I sometimes actually put the card in the middle of the deck from the back part as if doing a tilt, but not actually doing it. I wait a bit. Then I take it out and show the card to them and joke around saying "no really, this is your card, and it is in the middle!"

The second time I put it back in the middle, I am already doing the tilt/depth illusion move. This works because I have all the time in the world to "get ready" for the move since they relax for a second, plus they are conditioned to think that the second time must have also been clean even though I actually took the card out and didn't show them how I inserted it the second time.
Thats a really nice idea. I like the psychological work that adds. I'm gonna try add moments like that into my own routines.
Dec 15, 2017
I really like the Herman Pass more tbh as a control and a color change. I agree with the hindu force being one to add to your repertoire. I occasionally like to riffle down and do a single packet false cut and tell them to look at the card on top. I do not like to do the same control more than twice in a performance so I try different passes like the classic pass, spread pass, cover pass and occasionally the turn over pass. If not a pass I will do the convincing control or single card cull to the bottom
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