Card Manip. Problem

Dec 5, 2008
Hey guys,

So my problem is that my hand is cupped when i backpalm the cards and apparently it seems bad but i dont know im used to it, any tips on getting rid of this bad habit?

Thanks for the future responses :p

Jun 22, 2009
Ummmm... straighten out your hand... I think its just something you need to just work on... no real tips needed to accomplish it.
Apr 27, 2008
Keep a card palmed in your hand whilst you go about your life - drinking from a cup, playing cards, reading a book, watching TV. Switch between hands.

Eventually, you'll become relaxed with a card in your hand, and that's hen the 'normal' look will come to your palmed hand.

Jul 13, 2009
Yeah I agree with gus,

Also finger excercises will help build up strength in you fingers to back palm cards. I know I can back palm comfortably 13 cards, I have to cup my hands when holding 26 cards. But just a note I use a well broken in deck, one card of the deck feels like a piece of computer paper that is how boken in the deck is.
Sep 30, 2009
Elkhart, IN
Yeah I agree with gus,

Also finger excercises will help build up strength in you fingers to back palm cards. I know I can back palm comfortably 13 cards, I have to cup my hands when holding 26 cards. But just a note I use a well broken in deck, one card of the deck feels like a piece of computer paper that is how boken in the deck is.

Why not get the flesh colored manipulation deck. They are already really thin not to mention a tan color to help hide in back palm. They are also "Bridge" size which will help if you have long skinny fingers like me.
Jul 13, 2009
You could five speed, but its just the way I was taught. Plus manipulation decks aren't the cheapest things around. The cost of shipping and all that jazz comes up to a 10 dollar plus for a single deck of manip cards depending on where you get them from. I find non border red decks are the most invisible, next would be everything else. I think Peter Marvey does manipulation with a black backed cards, or still uses a back palm gimmick. (I still do not know how he does the spread finger manipulation thing in this video. I even wonder if people remember these series. The first one came out in 1994 you know back in the day, now I feel oldish :()
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