Chris or Jordan

Dec 15, 2007
Does it matter who is better?..It really comes down to how they have their own style..btw..i think both are great!
Sep 1, 2007
Hm if the point of this thread is to be either, amusing or pointless, then its not pointless anymore! Since the purpose of being pointless is also a purpose!

So who is better?! I'd say they are both the best but in different ways. Jordan is really consistant but only does D&D stuff. Chris however does alot of D&D stuff aswell but he also got some cool original things. Sadly he is not as consistant.

I'd say for laymen Jordan would be best, but for a flourisher Jordan might get boring because he doesn't perform anything new. So Chris might be better if you were a flourisher...
Jordan is really consistant but only does D&D stuff. Chris however does alot of D&D stuff aswell but he also got some cool original things. Sadly he is not as consistant.

I'd say for laymen Jordan would be best, but for a flourisher Jordan might get boring because he doesn't perform anything new. So Chris might be better if you were a flourisher...

Hmm, that’s interesting David. I guess that is somewhat of a good thing though, as it seems to fit with my overall morals – in that I focus more on magic and care very little about flourishing.

Nevertheless, fascinating topic guys, LOL. :)

Warm regards,
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