Clip Shift

Dec 22, 2007
ok so there is a move, and i thought of my own method, then why isnt it mine? take a look at the double lift. so many variations. and the creators are always mentioned. larry jennings, dai vernon. or color changes, or passes. same thing.
Is it ethical to discuss our theories on clipshift?

I would say not - especially when the creator himself wishes to wait for the release of the DVD before discussions form.

I've been watching this topic on and off for a little while now and I have to admit that it's done no good for the move at all. I am all up for discussions, but when those discussions turn into a heavy debate about ethics - something isn't quite right somewhere. Not only did a person post videoclips of "their method" claiming to have its originality, despite the fact that they know it is very similar (if not identical to the Clip Shift), this topic is downright unneeded. Even moreso when the guy threatens to explain it on a public forum(!) This topic is a disgrace and should have been removed from the start -- it's disrespectful, ill-manner and it has got too far out of hand by now.

There is no respect anymore, and that is a very sad thing.

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Mar 16, 2008
I don't think it has, just a discussion on a move people like. Some people get so offended over things, come on - its all in the name of fun and love of our art form.

But I guess if we were able to discuss it openly, the people who have actually learned it would be at a disadvantage; its a cool feeling knowing how to do something most others can't.
I don't think it has, just a discussion on a move people like. Some people get so offended over things, come on - its all in the name of fun and love of our art form.

As I said earlier, it's a beautiful thing to be able to discuss such fantastic moves and I have no problems against it whatsoever. :)

However, when the topic is constantly harrassed with unneeded comments by certain members, I don't think it's very fair to both the creator or his move. Which is why I said the topic should have been removed from the start; it was built upon an unfair and ill-treated post.

Just my thoughts,
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