Digital Dissolve - ONLY American coins?

Sep 1, 2007
well im canadian eh...

just wondering if digital dissolve coins are avaible in canadian currency..
would make more sense if i do the trick here in canada, with canadian coins..
i doubt it .. but you can always replace the half dollar with a Canadian coin that is the same size ... or use patter to cover the reason you are using an American half dollar. "i recently got into coin collecting, here i have an old American half dollar and on old English Penny" or "i got a gift from my grandfather several years ago, he used to collect coins, here i have ......" and continue with the routine.
Sep 1, 2007
Jamestown, NC
i doubt it .. but you can always replace the half dollar with a Canadian coin that is the same size ... or use patter to cover the reason you are using an American half dollar. "i recently got into coin collecting, here i have an old American half dollar and on old English Penny" or "i got a gift from my grandfather several years ago, he used to collect coins, here i have ......" and continue with the routine.

I agree with you. I think that the closest thing that you care going to come to is have a suitable patter to go along with your Digital Dissolve effect. I could understand wanting a coin of your area as well. Maybe this will come to mind to the Theory11 crew in later years. You never know!

Shane K.
Sep 2, 2007
well im canadian eh...

just wondering if digital dissolve coins are avaible in canadian currency..
would make more sense if i do the trick here in canada, with canadian coins..

Unfortunately, the half dollar is not availabe in Candian currency. Whenever I'm asked, "Why are you using foreign currency (the English penny)?," I state that I went to England over the summer, and because of the depreciation of the American dollar, they wouldn't let me exchange the English penny for an American one.

The exchange rate axiom serves as great patter -- Ask someone if he knows what density is, and usually he'll state that the object with the greatest density rises to the top in water. Then, say that the American half-dollar has a greater buoyancy than the English penny in air. So, when I place the American Half-Dollar in your hand, and wave the English penny, the half-dollar rises to the top, while the penny sinks to your hand.

(I just thought of that, so if it #$@#$# ... I digress. :D)

Aug 31, 2007
You can get custom canadian coins gaffs from people like Roy Keuppers (?sp)

The gaff is almost a standard now. However, I am not sure what two coins you would use as you need two coins the same size.

I generally do not have a problem with using US coins in magic, especially if I am going to be using English pennys as well.

Now if I were to use all Canadian coins I would love for everything to be Loonies and Twoonies, but they would not work together in the way most gaffs are designed too.
Aug 31, 2007
Again, I would not suggest Schoolcraft for Canadian coins. Nothing against him, it is just that Keupers specializes in Canadian coins.
Sep 14, 2007
If they ask you why you are using foreign currency, just tell them

"I was expirimenting around with them, and look what weird things you can do with them. . . . . "

then go on to do digital dissolve

Now if I were to use all Canadian coins I would love for everything to be Loonies and Twoonies, but they would not work together in the way most gaffs are designed too.

If Canadian money is called the Loonie how can you take an economic crisis seriously? "The loonie is down!" "Oh how sad for you!"

Any fans of Robin Williams will get that...

Anyway, one of the best patter lines for using foreign coins is something I learned from Karl Hein in his International Frequent Flyer routine. He talks about how the oldest coin trick in the world is pulling a coin from someones ear. And he pulls an american coin out of his ear (you could omit this part) but then speaks of how magic is an international art so people in china wouldn't be pulling silver dollars out of their ear they would pull chinese coins (and he produces a chinese coin from his ear). Its a neat little line of patter that immediatly justifies the use of foreign coins but also has a great little point and story to it.


The Dark Angel

forum moderator / t11
Sep 1, 2007
Denver, Colorado
Off topic for just one second: Watched a report on the news last night that said the US dollar is about the same as the Canadian dollar now, which is good your our neighbors up North cause everything here is cheaper now.

Back on-topic: I reiterate what everyone else has said, contact Jamie Schoolcraft or Roy Keuppers.
Sep 2, 2007
Off topic for just one second: Watched a report on the news last night that said the US dollar is about the same as the Canadian dollar now, which is good your our neighbors up North cause everything here is cheaper now.

It's good for the people in Canada, but it's not desirable for those in the United States, as now Canadian goods and services are more expensive.

ctually there are...They are not usable, but I have one, and they re-made them a little while ago.

I meant that the half-dollar provided with Digital Dissolve is not available in Canadian currency.

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